shark died


for the last 3 weeks my bamboo shark wasnt accepting food, i didnt know what was the matter with him cause i never had a problem getting him to eat. I found him dead the other day.I tested the water and everything i fine and my dwarf lionfish is doing fine. You think the lion could have stung the shark and thats what made him stop eating?
Well the good news is that i picked up a small niger trigger and a small porc puffer. They are doing fine and eating well so i hope everything stays well. How long do u think the porc,niger, and dwarf fuzzy lion can last in the 55 gal? The niger and the porc are both around 2-3 inches long and the lion is like 4 inches long ...Thanks
It probably died because it was stressed in the 55, Bambbos should be keept in at least a 180 IMO. Both the pork and Niger will be stressed in the 55 also.


the bamboo was less than 10 inches long, he had plenty of room to swim freely. I know i will have to get a bigger tank for the new fish and thats why i asked how long they would last, and i dont wanna hear they should be moved right now cause u all know that the 2-3 inch fish have plenty of room for a while. Thats why i HATE even looking at this board, people are such ignorent D1(k$.


Active Member
Sorry about the loss...
And not to sound like an A hole but that is the reason why we recommend keeping sharks in larger tanks. I know you had posted before that yours was doing fine in a 55 for a little while and several of us said it was only a matter of time, and you disagreed. I have seen this exact same situation countless times... The sharks slowly kill themselves because of confinement stress. Lets just let this go as a learning experience and help keep it from happening to someone else. Again sorry about the loss and good luck with what you decide to do next.


Active Member
And to answer your other questions... Both the puffer and trigger will probably be ok in your tank for about 6 months or so. They both can grow rather quickly and IME it will hit about 4 to 5 inches within a year. I doubt the lion stung and killed your shark but i guess it is a possibility. Did you see a dark gray spot on the shark?

tony detroit

Active Member
Well I have yet to lose a shark or even have a remote problem keeping one or a ray. Do you know why? Because I listen to what people that have sharks have to say. I don't just blow it off thinking I know everything, because I surely do not. My advise to you is to listen to the advise people give you. Or you can just keep bashing boardmembers trying to help you and buy new fish every 2 months....the choice is yours.
No need to jump on finfollowered's case either, he's just trying to help you..but again you won't accept help.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by CDubbs
Thats why i HATE even looking at this board, people are such ignorent D1(k$.

It is funny that the so called "ignorant" people are the ones that have years of experience and do not kill every other fish put into their tank.


i never said i dont accept help, the people that give me honest and nice replies i listen too and many people told me the shark would do fine for a while in the 55 but i would have to get a new tank.. i just moved into my new apt in my basement and was going to buy at least a 180 in a few weeks for the shark. But the so called experts that told me that my shark would die within a few weeks of buying him cause i put it in the tank too early werent saying anything when a few months later posted that the shark was fine.. Some people who are more experienced think that they are better than everyone else. if they would give advice without the cocky attitude i wouldnt care..and we have to remember people we are talking about fish. I ate fish for dinner last night and i ate a hamburger tonight, but people yell at ya when u kill a fish...I once again like i always do thank the people who give me nice and accurate advise


i wasnt referring to you. but it is funny how u said 180 is minimum and thats what u have, and if u had a 250 u would say a 250 was minimum, many people say what they got is the minimum just because thats what they doneposting about this topic.

tony detroit

Active Member
The book Aquarium Sharks and Rays says that a 180gal tank is a minimum for a bamboo shark for life. Everybody on this board recommends the book. I suggest you buy it if you are serious about shark keeping.
I DO have a 180, and I also DON'T have a bamboo shark, I was recomending what I have obserevedfrom ofter tanks and what I've read. Chill man.


That sucks..I've been there. I once lost a $190 Leopard. Relax Bro, these people know what they are talking about. I learn from each and every one of them.


the bamboo was less than 10 inches long, he had plenty of room to swim freely. I know i will have to get a bigger tank for the new fish and thats why i asked how long they would last, and i dont wanna hear they should be moved right now cause u all know that the 2-3 inch fish have plenty of room for a while. Thats why i HATE even looking at this board, people are such ignorent D1(k$.
A: People are telling you the truth.
B: You never stated the fishes' size.
It is funny that the so called "ignorant" people are the ones that have years of experience and do not kill every other fish put into their tank.
I don't mean to be an

about this dude, but these people are only trying to help.
BTW, sorry about the shark man. That blows.