Shark egg


About how long does it take for a coral cat shark egg to hatch once it has been acclimated to the aquarium? Just an average, a week, a month, 6 months?


we just had a shark egg hatch tonight at work...very cool
i dont know how long it took, but we had it for atleast a week


Active Member
do sharks hatch at night time only? I herd that they do, but i forgot where. I may wanna watch one. Is it pretty hard?


I've had my shark egg for about 4 weeks and the LFS had it for about a week. It's moving just fine in the egg. The LFS told me it would hatch between 1 and 7 months!! Doesn't sound right to me. Anyone with experience in hatching eggs? Comments would be appreciated. BTW, shark will live in 150 with 2 V. lions.


Active Member
it should hatch in about a months time give or take . whats the perameters on your water ? including temp.


nitrate=80 (way too high)
a bit worried, have not seen movement for the last 36 hours.


Active Member
Try to get the nitrates down befrore it hatches . sharks are super sensitive and that is way too high.
Just be patient and your egg will hatch.


Good news!!! The shark hasn't hatched yet, but I saw substantial movement within the egg today. I measured the gill movements at 40 per minute. I'm not sure if that is good or not. Any advise?? Did a water change and nitrates down to 20. Not great, but I'll do another change in a couple of days.


Active Member
just kick back and wait . give it a few days and do water change, get the nitrates down and everything will be great.


Active Member
I had one before. I had it for about 2 and a half months before it hatched, then one night it hatched. the thing will looked so cramped in the egg, just before it will hatch. let me know if you have any more questions.


Active Member
It will become a lot more restless in there before it hatches. Ive done a few eggs and its nearly impossible to tell when its about to hatch. The important thing is to let it happen naturally. Dont try and "help" it. If you dont see any movement, you can hold a light up to the egg and check for gill respirations. And yes, all of my eggs hatched at night also.


Active Member
Unfortunately, like some of you know, a few months ago the tired seams of my tank had enough. They started to leak and I had to get rid of everything. All I have are the same tired old pictures that everyone has seen a hundred times!
Im reduced to my 55 in the bedroom with the dragon eel and a 10 on the kitchen table with a lone clownfish.

my way

Active Member
Why didn't you reseal the tank? I've done quite a few tanks for myself and others. It's really easy to do. With the price of large tanks I think it is really worth the effort. I just priced out a 180 and got quotes from 500.00 to 900.00.


Active Member
It was an old glass tank I have had forever. There were some scratches and stuff in it so I just decided to retire it. It gives me an excuse to set up the bigger one too!