Shark Pics, new tank pics

tony detroit

Active Member
thanks, nah I never did, figured I should stop putting stuff in the 300 since my reef fishes are in there right now, I didn't wanna spike or overstock. Maybe if they have them in a month when the fish go back in the reef I'll consider. Did you ever get your rays?


Active Member
No, they said they would have more, so I desided to wait. I don't have anything in the 180 yet. I just had finals and worked 60 hours. My goal this week is to spend my cash, and add some stuff to it.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Leopard_babe
My goal this week is to spend my cash

Shouldn't take you too long stocking that 180, good luck.


I was in there over the weekend and they had just got in another 20 or so of the rays. They all looked very good. Mine are doing great and are feeding more and more each day. They already come to the back of the tank when I start to put food in and try to grab it from my hands before I get all of it into the water. Clowns they are.


Active Member
I picked up my female on Saturday and she was eating from my hand the same hour. It took the male almost three weeks to come around. I guess that says somthing for the female personality!


Active Member
My guess would be his Cali Ray. Oh, and pics of my 125 will be up before the weekend is over, I promise. I wanted my little girl to settle in.


Hey, someones learned how to use their camera! The new bow fronts pretty awesome!


Active Member
That is a good looking Leopard. Both of the ones I had long ago were more "spotted" than "saddled". Congrats. How long have you had him? How big was he when you got it?

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
Hey, someones learned how to use their camera! The new bow fronts pretty awesome!

Hopefully they'll get much better, I'm still experimenting. This thing is totally adjustable, which is good if you know what you are doing, but me, I just press buttons untill it gets a little better. I guess I'm going to have to break down and read the directions.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
That is a good looking Leopard. Both of the ones I had long ago were more "spotted" than "saddled". Congrats. How long have you had him? How big was he when you got it?

Thank you. I've had her about 6 months I'd guess, maybe one - three more, I can't remember, it was the end of summer when I got her. She was about 8'', she is now about 18-20'' and is always active and is just an awesome shark...period. Hopefully in 50 years the scientists can genetically engineer them to stay small so you can keep them in tanks, they are awesome, I'm going to miss her when she has to go, actually she should go now, it is kind of sad that she got so big so fast.


Do you have any full tank shots. Maybe some shots of the filtration system you use. I can't help it I'm nosy.
I was just in trop... the other day when they got those rays came in. So I got the pick of the litter and bought a female. Any suggestions?

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by zepplin48138
I was just in trop... the other day when they got those rays came in. So I got the pick of the litter and bought a female. Any suggestions?

Buy the book Aquarium Sharks and Rays. I'll sell you mine for 15bucks if you want it. I've read it 3 times now......

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by rob44
Where is the shark going? what are you going to do with it?

1 of 3 places.
1. back to the supplier's 3K gallon tubs.
2. to my cousin's future 480gal
3. to mattiej's pool or anybody else interested
4. in my own pool when I build a house (hoping)
whoops, that's 4 places:thinking:
AC-I'll try and get some up. The tank looks really goofy right now, I just replaced a PC light and one side of the tank looks good, the other looks kinda dreary, I've got a new one coming, should be here friday.