Shark pound.


Active Member
Me and my dad are thinking about setting up a pound with sharks or stingrays. Now, the pound we are getting will be those out door rubber tub things for gardens and i will get one from home depot. Is that a good idea?? Or should i just get a big aquarium?


Yah thats a good idea but i would recomend getting the 300gal one nothing less if you want to house sharks and rays. Is this what your talking about?


Active Member
Yup!!!!:yes: :yes: :yes: Now my dads wondering if there is away we can but a see through item so we can look in there instead of looking from the top.Piece of glass???:notsure: And for filteration,would i do the samething for a regular saltwater tank? Sump,filteration,protein skimmer.


Do you have a place to buy these? I didnt know they had them at home depot. I can get you one if you want. If your looking for something simple just get one of those large eheim canister filters. if you dont know what im talking about ill email you the link to one of them. Also i would strongly recomend a protein skimmer. A nautalis ex would work good. and they are also not expensive. I will look into it if the structural foam will accept an adhesive like silicon if you want for the glass. but there is a chanche it might not.


as long as the return line form the sump is submerged like 4-5 inchs no prblem what so ever. BTw you got mail. My flow rate is like 2000 and i see fine.