Shark pound.


Active Member
I think they need more around 4' to be kept for life, but that just my opinion. Matt knows much more than I do so I am interested to see what he says.


New Member
Then u had better get one biga$$ tank or tub or pool or watever. Get something really large and play it safe. Also, keep dreaming. Unless yer dad is paying for it. If not, then it might not happen. Get a job and u MIGHT be able to pay for a shark habitat to last a shark for its full life span. Or let mummy and dada pay for it, then call it yers.


As a pup the BTR shark could be kept in 2.5 feet of water but only for a short period of time. When they reach maturity they will be much more comfortable and have a better chance in atleast 4-5 feet depths. These guys are true shallow water sharks in that there are many reports of adults cruising in as little as 18 inches, but that is not to say they can kept in such a shallow tank. There is also the shark's sense of security to consider. Even though sharks are top notch predators, they can also be preyed upon by larger predators and other sharks. If a captive shark doesn't feel secure in its environment then it simply won't live long. Too shallow of a tank will have the animal constantly 'spooked' and will most likely never settle in to its tank.
I would also like to add a word of caution, black tips like many open water sharks have problems at times with tank corners. This can be especially true in tanks that are a bit too small for them. Not to start another bashing session but there was another post here about a black tip that was in a glass tank in a pet store. Yes there seemed to be very good filtration and the like, but I can foresee problems for the shark as it grows. I have seen many cases of sharks at public aquariums that had damaged snouts due to their habitat. There is a litany of problems that can come from the damaged nose of a shark, bacterial infections, inability to find and carture food, and problems with navigation. Please do not think I am taking shots at his pride and joy, I am only pointing out a potential problem that I have seen personally in a professional setting.


Active Member

Originally posted by Tikitorch
Then u had better get one biga$$ tank or tub or pool or watever. Get something really large and play it safe. Also, keep dreaming. Unless yer dad is paying for it. If not, then it might not happen. Get a job and u MIGHT be able to pay for a shark habitat to last a shark for its full life span. Or let mummy and dada pay for it, then call it yers.

Listen if you dont think it will happen,comeback on these boards in 10 more years and i will post you the pics!!!! :yes:

tony detroit

Active Member
Things change a lot in 10years.
I thought I was going to build a big pool too.
If you could do us all a favor:
pound- v., as in to hit something
pond- as in a semi-large body of water
I believe the word you are looking for Cartman is POND.


Active Member
Well iam getting al the info i can now and i think i got alot of info. Your it is getting old...........but not to me!


Active Member

Originally posted by Chandler4
Thank u cincy. Hes just arguing cuz its that time of the month. I was referring to the 300 gallon model, and yes, I did punch a cop in the face. Its not that hard to do ya know. It isnt like cops have some magical forcefield around them that make them invulnerable to attack. They are just normal human beings with uniforms and guns.

Haha give me a break chandler if you punched a cop in the face you wouldnt be online right now u would be in juvi.


I did 2 years for that. Anyway, lets just end it here. People have been right AND wrong, and Cartman is NOT going to have a shrak "POND". And if he does, I give it my good blessings . "May all his sharks and rays and fish jump out of their watery prison so as not to endure the boring doom that shall await there life in the hands of this dumb kid." Can I get an amen>?