Shark pound.


:happyfish Hey cartman, have you looked into the 8 foot by 8 foot kiddie pools? I use one for my liner for a koi pond I have outside, and it works good. You could make a wooden thing to go around it, and it would hide the kiddie prints. I think your ok with the size for now, just trade in the sharks when they get huge. You could also use a soft pond liner, make it any size you wanted. I personally would just make a tank outa plexi glass like steveweise did though. That way you could make it longer rater than rounder for the perfect shark habitat. Good luck, and let us know how it goes. - ali


Hi I have ben keeping sharks for more then 12 years.
leopards like any other swimming shark need an aquarium of 4 X the normal full grown length long which would be 24 ft and 1.5 x ad wide as the full grown length so 9 ft wide the hight would then be 3 ft tall
also any shark that you are buying you should be able to keep it for its full life
ps I have seen leopards grow up to 9" in one year the ones you have seen sound like they have nutritional deficiencies.


If the pool dose not have a big enough diameter. The shark may become accustom to swimming in only one direction and then if this happens the sharks will develop more mussel on one side then the other this could lead to death of the shark. I have seen this happen in zoo aquariums.
It’s good to keep them in an race way system with round ends of the aquarium.
This will give them time to cost so they do not build up lactic acid in there mussels.
lactic acid in there mussels will also lead to there death.


Nice one requiem. Thats wat I was thinking, but apparently conDORK12 is the supreme shark tamer in all the land, cuz a 5 by 5 foot pool is just dandy for a shark. :D How do u make yers requiem? Outta plexiglass? Is that hard to do at all?


Active Member
i think we ALL have been owned, and it is time to tone this one down a bit!!!
first of all, everyone seems to want to be arguing with one or 2 people because they THINK he/she is wrong and they are right. WRONG. doing so just for the sake of instigation is neither helpful nor courteous
this will not be tolerated. i might believe a good excuse, but IMEO he has made more sense and been more correct than those attacking him.
without insulting and getting into details and specifics on species i can see this much. 24 inches is merely 2 ft, not 3!
60 inches is 5 ft, and 60 some inches is only a little more than 5 ft, so why are we arguing here? it is not like the tub would be 9 ft. THEY STILL NEED THE SPACE, and more than 5 ft of it
now, onto the fish, a 300 is barely what i would begin to try and keep one single epaulette and no more!! NONE! but this one is merely my opinion. However, if you are talking multple sharks with rays, a 300 ins not even worth calling a possiblity. again, my opinion but it is ithe same one that any EXPERIENCED or at least reasonably educated hobbyist would agree with. and being built like this, 300 gallon is nothing. get a good 8 ft or more swimming area. more, for active swimmers and 8 ft for the more inactive species. IF you want to do a pond, get a liner and dig your own! they are expensive, if even available, in the size you should be considering. so making your own would be highly advisable.
filtration, IMHO, a good, oversized skimmer and sump sytem, with a good large wet dry would not be a bad idea. depending upon the species and or the rays, live rock will vary greatly. however, several good strong powerheads should still be used.


Please, wat does "hth" mean? Its been driving me nuts!! And wat does IMHO mean?!??! I just NEED to KNOW!!! Thanx a bunch!


1st of all i know your not an idiot. And i know that you do know what you are doing. I think we could probably argue about tons of things. thats just the way this hobby and most hobbies are. Just because i said something can be done doesnt make it a good f_kin idea. I wouldnt keep my sharks in that pond anyway so i really dont know why i am arguing about it. I dont use these I have a 10'x4'pond in my basement. I really dont understand why you are taking sides with chandler. We both know that we are both right. So we should just stop arguing.
Why argue with me. Youve never kept sharks in your life. You have been in the hobby for 2 years for christ sake. Except that there is someone on the planet that knows a little more than you about something. I know theres tons of people that know more than me. I learn something new everyday on swf. So you do the same and take my advice.


and also leopards can grow 9" a year but not when they are a pup. They reach their growth spurts at a later age. the first couple/ few years of their life. And no that is not a nutritional deficiency



Originally posted by condork12
and also leopards can grow 9" a year but not when they are a pup. They reach their growth spurts at a later age. the first couple/ few years of their life. And no that is not a nutritional deficiency

i meant NOT the first few/couple years of their life


I am almost afraid to give my opinion for fear of retaliation. The 300 gallon Rubbermaids are fine for a small sedenatary shark or two but are not quite large enough for most of the more active sharks. Throughout all the posts here there are defintely some good advice to be had but it is being over-shadowed by the bickering and name calling.
Now before anyone questions my level of expertise let me begin with a little background. I have been in the marine hobby for well over 25 years, I am a degreeded Marine Biologist with several years experience at a public aquarium. My duties at the aquarium involved mainly the ocean tank and the sharks contained there in. I have hand fed these guys and have worked closely with them for those years. I currently have a 18000 gallon shark pool that resides in my garage and has been in constant use for over four years.
The question of keeping sharks should always begin with, Is one willing to make the finacial, space, time, and dedication commitments that are required to keep sharks? Believe it is almost impossible to find a home for an over-grown captive shark. Most aquariums will not take them regardless of popular belief. They simply do not have the room or money to care for a hobbyist's mistake. I do mean mistake because unless the keeper is willing and able to care for the shark its entire life then it was a mistake to purcahse or catch it in the first place. That is not to say they shouldn't be kept at all. Sharks really aren't anymore difficult than any other marine animal, the only real challenage is understanding the animal's needs prior to acquiring it! Sharks require top notch water conditions and STABILITY. Let me repeat this, stability is one major key to long term success with sharks. That is way trying to keep certain sharks in under-sized aquaria will simply fail in time. As they grow their ability to carry out basic biological functions is restricted. They will suffer regardless of the best intentions.
If you are serious about shark keeping, Cartman, then yu are getting a good start by asking questions here. Ignoring the arguing there is plenty of good info to be had at this site, but I would also encourage you to seek information from a variety of sources. I am sure you have heard of Scott Michael's book, get it and read it several times, well worth the time! Now as to the use of the water troughs ( that is basically all those Rubbermaid tubs are used for ), as I said they will work for a very few sharks. The leopard and the smoothound will require much bigger homes. And now the one comment that will bring the wraith upon me, keeping leopards in anything smaller than a large pool will certainly lead to a short-lived animal. I know of the many, many reports of folks saying theirs is doing just fine in a 300 gallon or less glass aquarium. On average these guys will reach atleast 5-6 feet and trying to keep them under-fed to stunt growth simply will not work. Keeping them at cooler water temps ( lower then the required 68-72) will also not work. A malnourished shark is an unhealthy shark, period.
Let me conclude by saying this, I want to thank and congratulate those here who are genuinely trying to help. I would also like to take a moment and ask that when a difference of opinion does come up let's try to handle it constructively and not turn it into personal attacks and name calling. Those outside of the hobby judges us by these boards and we must show that we are better than that.


Active Member
Hey mattie, I was trying not to get involved with the whole thread or the whole cartman shark thing any further, but bravo for the post. There does seem to be a lot of bickering about this.


New Member
Hes never gonna make a shark pond anyway, he was just asking another dumb question so he can get some more attention, which he has gotten. He wont do it, I know it.


Active Member
actually, iam making a shark the near future. And iam getting alot bigger tank to put a ray and 2bamboo sharks!


The onwer @ my lfs asked me what was the mimimal depth of water a black tipped reef shark could be put in I told him 2 1/2'