shark set up in my pool


Hi I have figured out how i am going to put a white tip in my pool
I am going to convert the room where the pool filter is I am going to do a 300 gallon wet dry and the biggest protein skimmer I can find does any body have any suggestions on the skimmer that I could use. I will post pics



Originally posted by kinkfish
Hi I have figured out how i am going to put a white tip in my pool
I am going to convert the room where the pool filter is I am going to do a 300 gallon wet dry and the biggest protein skimmer I can find does any body have any suggestions on the skimmer that I could use. I will post pics

This is a much larger undertaking than just adding a big skimmer to your pool. I mean, its not like your just going to dump some salt in there and call it good. A 300 gallon wet dry on a full sized pool, would be like a shot glass for a wet/dry on a 300 gal tank.
If you are truly serious, I would offer my help and I'm sure many others would as well, but so far this kinda sounds far fetched.


You also need to think about the pool leaching chemicals into the water and jacking your chemistry all to hell.


I would suggest talking to local aqauriums (miami seaquarium, sea world etc.) to see how they do theirs. Disney's Typhoon lagoon actually has an outdoor pool to swim with sharks in. They do free tours of their filtration setup if you call and line one up beforehand.(Let me add it is quite impressive) There is a lot more to an outdoor "tank" than indoor. Sunlight rain, materials used in pool, etc... throw the balance off constantly. A skimmer and a 300 gal. wet/dry would only work on a small small pool. Look in to setting up a few different ponds as filtration. One a mangrove swamp type refugium, one with bio balls etc.. The guys at typhoon lagoon would be able to help you a great deal. Since they also filter out the waste thousands of people a day produce in their shark pool. Good luck, I'd like to see pictures of it, sounds like a lot of fun. I hope to do somehting similar one day.


Active Member
thsi one has been bugging me a little, I just have 2 questions
first, hoW big the pool is
2d, what type of pooLs?
fiberglass, vinyl liner or gunnite wall?
btw, I mean the liner or actual liner, not the structure. WHAT ACTUALLY TOUCHES THE WATER.


Active Member
adding granite tiles? so I assume it si concrete or gunnite walled?
if so, are you going to resurface it b4 adding the tiles or are you just agonna tile over top of it? You may want to strip it completely, between the chlorine water being in it for yrs and the chemicals used to make it, that may be a good idea, if you have not planned to do so already


Active Member
Sounds very expensive and like a lot of work. I hope it turn out well. I would like to see some pics when it is up and going. When did you plan on starting?


Kinkfish: I agree with Fishhub, meaning that this post is bugging me a bit. This is quite an undertaking you are proposing, and so far you have given us very little to work with.
There are so many variables/obsticals on a project this scale, that without detailed input from you, we cant help.
You've been asked several specific questions regarding your plans and current set up. Your going to have to answer some of them if you want any help.


Active Member
How much are you willing to spend on this project? How much time do you have for maintenance on this size tank? I would think that it would take a few hrs. a week minimum. Also have you thought about the cost of running a system like this every month?

tony detroit

Active Member
Blacktip, your tank is absolutely nothing short of amazing. I love it. I have a quick question for you, what size water changes do you do/ and how often? I'm just curious and thinking of doing something similiar down the road. A WHILE down the road, money being the most inhibiting, I plan on having every question answered and everything covered before even starting one step of the building process.


tony detroit: Thank you.:) Honestly, I don't do any water changes at all. I rely on serious filtration, and believe it or not my tank is not very heavily stocked. Of course as my sharks grow, my bio load will increase, but my biological filtration should keep up.
I monitor my water parameters very closely, and they are great so far. AM 0, trites 0, PH constant 8.3, SG never moves, trates 5-10ppm max. I have lots of salt, and 35 gallon trash cans on hand, just in case I ever "need" to do an emergency water change. But as long as my levels stay the way they are, I don't see the need.


Some other things to look at:
Water temp.
Viewing. You can't see well in a pool with the pump running.
Filtration. Large protein skimmer won't hack it alone.
Algee Bloom. It' s comming.
Cover. what do ya do when he desides he don't want to stay in the pool and jumps out?
What you are thinking is doable.
The end resault may not be what you want.