Sharks? Stingrays? What to do..155gal..


I am redoing my 155, since we have to put wood flooring down. I recently bought a large skimmer with a mag 12, and we're working to build at least a 30 gallon sump. I have over 100lbs of rock, and fine sand.
My question is this, I am seeking to keep a bamboo shark, preferrably a brownbanded one, seeing as my local lfs has some in, (Hoping to reserve one)
But would a bamboo do alright in my system? /i have plans if it gets too large..
Also, would a stingray work? Perhaps instead, or possibly with? Or would there be competeition for the bottom area of the tank?
Also, what are some good tankmates for these two?
Any help is appreciated..thanks!!


i have a buddy who has a 135 custom? bow
has cortez + bamboo banded his live rock is all stacked up in the back 3+inches of sand. and he's had both of them in there for 3 years.
only thing is...what are the dimensions of your tank?


I personally do not think a 155 is large enough for either...I have a cortez in a 225, and I just could not see her in anything smaller


Let me go check on the dimensions..And all comments are welcome on the idea!
Alright, it's 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 31.5inches tall.


Active Member
my personal oppinion with sharks has always been if its not 200g or better you shouldn't do it, 200 is small as it is and 155 really wouldn't cut it forever ESPECIALLY not for both, im not gonna comment on the 135! Just my oppinion though!

crypt keeper

Active Member
with sharks and rays its not really the gallons a tank can hold more so the foot print of the tank. I have been to petting places with cat sharks and the tanks were 15' long and 12' wide but maybe a foot deep.
That bamboo shark can get up to 48 inches and your tank is 48 inches....You could do an awesome predator tank with a big angel and some kind of trigger or something though.


that shark gets 48+/-
cortez gets to be like 20" diameter sometimes a not counting the tail. so 2 feet tall is not enough i have to agree.
the bow my friend has is actually not a bow it has 4 corners but has 4 curved sides? and it's no more than 2 feet tall it was built to be used as a coffe table. with another glass piece over top. if that makes sense so no cups are going on the actual aquarium.


Alright, thanks for the help everyone!
I will no longer consider getting either, as I would want them to be happy in their environments, and it seems neither would possibly be.
Thanks again!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Want a rare gorgeous eel. Dragon Moray. With sharks and rays you are limited to the type of fish you can keep anyway so why not a gorgeous 3 foot devil?


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Want a rare gorgeous eel. Dragon Moray. With sharks and rays you are limited to the type of fish you can keep anyway so why not a gorgeous 3 foot devil? if you are going to be limited...why not be limited with something that you can fit in your tank...