Shipping Question


Active Member
I understand. I thought I'd just give it a shot and ask. However, I will probably be using your store to purchase a Fu Manchu, and Tang, so I look forward to making a purchase rather soon! Thanks for the quick response and the help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383592/shipping-question#post_3355994
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/383592/shipping-question#post_3355991
An extra $60 on CUC?!?!?

LOl...It adds up erally quick....2 fancy nassarius are $11.....10 astrea $10, 10 nassarius $10....LOL...there is $30
then get a frag of zoas $20, and a ricordia shroom $20
see how easily I just spent $70

There is something fundamentally twisted about a hobby where one looks for reasons to spend more


Is there a flat rate for out of state shipping? I ask this because I live in GA and was curious as to whether shipping costs were estimated based on location or if it was the same no matter where the order came from. Thanks


Active Member
The only difference I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) would be if you live in Florida. Their shipping is $15 I think. Other than that everyone else is a flat rate.