Shootings at Fort Hood


Active Member
I seem to remember one of the Members here living there, Hope they are safe. Several dead and more wounded.

tx reef

Active Member
I am an estimator/project manager for an earthork construction company and one of my jobs is 3 blocks from where it happened. The field supervisor working on the project and the equipment operators were pretty shaken up by the whole thing......thankfully they are all okay.
I'm glad that I didn't do a site visit today.
Prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the deceased & injured.


Active Member
CBS radio played an interview with a fellow officer who worked with the shooter. He said the guy was saying that Iraqi's and Afghanistani's were justified in killing Americans. The officer said they all thought he was just trying to push their buttons. Another practitioner of the "religion of peace". Let the cat calls of bigot begin. But when liberalism trains a nation to to turn off self-preservation instincts to embrace all religions as equal, that society will not last long. Who wants to bet the liberals start saying, first thing tomorrow, that he snapped because it was hard for him as a muslim in the Army? That the culture of the US military isn't open to muslims, so he just couldn't take it anymore? Not that he's a cowardly POS who killed unarmed men because he read in his little black book to kill those who won't convert.


Active Member
I want to know how in the world a doctor with a few hand guns, could go in and shoot 40+ people before he got shot, on a MILITARY base.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
CBS radio played an interview with a fellow officer who worked with the shooter. He said the guy was saying that Iraqi's and Afghanistani's were justified in killing Americans. The officer said they all thought he was just trying to push their buttons. Another practitioner of the "religion of peace". Let the cat calls of bigot begin. But when liberalism trains a nation to to turn off self-preservation instincts to embrace all religions as equal, that society will not last long. Who wants to bet the liberals start saying, first thing tomorrow, that he snapped because it was hard for him as a muslim in the Army? That the culture of the US military isn't open to muslims, so he just couldn't take it anymore? Not that he's a cowardly POS who killed unarmed men because he read in his little black book to kill those who won't convert.
***. 12 people are dead, another 31 are injured, some critically, and all you have to say about the matter is some stupid political statement that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject. There are more important things in life than your ignorant political views. This has affected people's lives, some that I know. Next I suppose you'll find some way to blame Obama for this. *** Please keep it civil -Sep



I think for now all politics should be put aside and we should be
Praying for all the families, friends, acquaintances involved in this horrible tragedy....
Including the family of the shooter.....:(


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I want to know how in the world a doctor with a few hand guns, could go in and shoot 40+ people before he got shot, on a MILITARY base.
Uh, because it's a MILITARY BASE. It's not uncommon to have military personnel walk around with weapons in their possession on a military facility. This is a major deployment base. The details haven't come out, but it appears most of the shootings occurred in the Readiness Processing Center. I imagine he walked in with weapons in hand, and no one even had a second thought about it. All he had to do is lift, aim, and shoot. 9mm with a 15-round clip times 2 (if that's what he had), and that's 30 rounds at close range in a very crowded facility. They've reported that he isn't dead, but injured in stable condition.


Active Member
"Lee said Hasan had hoped Obama would pull troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq and got into frequent arguments with others in the military who supported the wars.
Officials were investigating whether Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name, possibly as part of a conversion to Islam. However, they were not certain of his religion."
From the Associated Press "***". I guess they'll blame Obama for this too? There are more important thing than your ignorant point of view, as well.


Active Member
my cousin is a psychiatrist on a base in Nevada and before that in Alaska for several years. He said the bad thing about dealing with these guys/gals coming home is that there are A LOT of them really messed up. My cousin said many psych's are seeking help themselves because of the strain. Many are disillusioned after they enlist.....many think that enlisting will be the answer to many problems before they joined.
This guy was apparently on his way to being deployed again. He was probably hoping to be killed in this massacre.....sucidal IMO.
This is terrible for all involved.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
my cousin is a psychiatrist on a base in Nevada and before that in Alaska for several years. He said the bad thing about dealing with these guys/gals coming home is that there are A LOT of them really messed up. My cousin said many psych's are seeking help themselves because of the strain. Many are disillusioned after they enlist.....many think that enlisting will be the answer to many problems before they joined.
This guy was apparently on his way to being deployed again. He was probably hoping to be killed in this massacre.....sucidal IMO.
This is terrible for all involved.
Apperantly he wasn't a very good shrink. They'd had previous problems with him, performance wise. It is really too bad, you volenteer to go into the military. Then flip out when they ship out out. Seriously, it is part of the deal...


Active Member
my point was this guy was already unstable.......just becasue he was a shrink did not make him vulnerable to the same issues as the people he was "treating" .


Active Member
There were plenty of warning signs. Considering what another soldier did in Iraq a few years ago, tossing the grenade in the tent, I am surprised this guys statements weren't taken more seriously. I don't think it's a time for finger pointing but I do hope this is a wake up call. My kid is military and I don't want him or his family taken out by some wackweed because someone was afraid to point out the obvious less they be called a racist or something.
As far as how could someone take out that many people they are very tight about who can carry a gun on base but as was stated up thread it isn't uncommon for someone to be carrying, it is a military base after all. Other than the MP's or someone headed out to the range nobody is going to have a weapon outside the home.


New Member
That is correct, the carrying of weapons on base is restricted and if you have a weapons because you are going to the shooting range your ammunition is taken to the range and issued to you there. You do not have the ammo outside the range. But this person was an officer and probably had access to some ammunition which no one was going to question. Friends, I know that this issue is hard for all of us and hits me close to home hard but, could we save the hostility and name calling outside this site.

37g joe

Originally Posted by mantisman51
"Lee said Hasan had hoped Obama would pull troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq and got into frequent arguments with others in the military who supported the wars.
Officials were investigating whether Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name, possibly as part of a conversion to Islam. However, they were not certain of his religion."
From the Associated Press "***". I guess they'll blame Obama for this too? There are more important thing than your ignorant point of view, as well.
Nope don't worry they are already blaiming Bush.

37g joe

I am suprised no one in this post mentioned that Hasan had made comments in the past that suicide bombers were heroes and he wanted muslims to stand up against the aggresor. Oh wait that is how you get banned as of lately on here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
"Lee said Hasan had hoped Obama would pull troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq and got into frequent arguments with others in the military who supported the wars.
Officials were investigating whether Hasan was his birth name or if he may have changed his name, possibly as part of a conversion to Islam. However, they were not certain of his religion."
From the Associated Press "***". I guess they'll blame Obama for this too? There are more important thing than your ignorant point of view, as well.
You don't get it mantis. This isn't a political debate. THESE ARE PEOPLE"S LIVES!!!! This guy was mentality unstable. Yet, you want to use this as an opportunity to spew your constant vitriol about how you hate liberals. WHO CARES!!! You need a big reality check.