short fragging videos


Active Member
thanks to my buddy shawn for being camera man.
Remember zoas and palythoas as well as protopalythoas can contain palytoxins, GLOVES ARE A MUST when fragging zoas.


Wow... I'm sitting here thinking about my first SW tank that hasn't even cycled yet and looking at these great tanks. Chomping at the bit is an understatement.
Here's a real newbie question if y'all don't mind. I thought I had to make a choice of either fish only or reef but I'm seeing these great tanks like this one on the video that has reef and fish. Is this just a tank that I'll have to wait and get more experience before I try? I'm thinkin about getting one of those nano tanks to try my hand at a reef.
This is a great list, I'm so glad I found it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
Hey reef, the vids are great. How about fragging some frogspawn, hammer, or torch???
I dont have any to frag but I can frag a branching trumpet, wich is exactly the same methods. gimme about an hour to shoot the vid and get it posted.


Active Member
Again thanks for being my camera man Shawn
ok here is the vid for fragging trumpet, this is an easy frag but ran into a couple hitches as you can see in the video. its kind of tricky to grasp the skeleton without holding the flesh but that is key, otherwise you risk bruising the flesh. sometimes with thicker branches you may have to use a hammer and chisel, but this one I could frag without. you can do the same thing for fragging hammer, torch, and frogspawn usually.


Active Member
Originally Posted by johndodd
Wow... I'm sitting here thinking about my first SW tank that hasn't even cycled yet and looking at these great tanks. Chomping at the bit is an understatement.
Here's a real newbie question if y'all don't mind. I thought I had to make a choice of either fish only or reef but I'm seeing these great tanks like this one on the video that has reef and fish. Is this just a tank that I'll have to wait and get more experience before I try? I'm thinkin about getting one of those nano tanks to try my hand at a reef.
This is a great list, I'm so glad I found it.

fish only are tanks for fish that are not safe in reef tanks, reef tanks you have to be very cautious about what you add to because a lot of fish find corals very tasty.


As always, you come through RZ. Thanks for shooting that for me. Ok, heres another request... Candy Cane. Or is that the same as trumpet?


Active Member
same thing, different common name, its a type of Caulastrea, I cant think of the exact species offhand of what I fragged, but all branching LPS of this style can be fragged this way. keep in mind some are more sensative to bruising, and tears are vectors for infection. for thicker skeletons to make snapping it easier you can use a hacksaw blade to score the skeleton where you want to break it. a couple of three four strokes scoring a groove most of the way around the branch works pretty good.


Active Member
requests are cool, it lets me frag what people want to see. If I have it and you want to see it I'll frag it.


I saw your pic layout on fragging shrooms. Do you just cut it right through the "mouth" in quarters? Also are ricordia done in the same manner?


Hey Reef, thanks for the video! Now I don't have to ask you how to frag my green tip frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
I saw your pic layout on fragging shrooms. Do you just cut it right through the "mouth" in quarters? Also are ricordia done in the same manner?
yes thay are.


Active Member
i'm having some serious problems fragging softies. i just can't get the to stick. i've tried the rubberband, certainly a no go w/ shrooms. pins / toothpicks don't seem to work for me either. i've just recently lost (floating somewhere in my tank) 2 frags of a neon green nepthia (rare) and a really nice orange and purple ric............any suggestions?


Active Member
yes actually I have the Always effective (100%) garaunteed way not to loose frags (to drifting) take a tupper ware container with a lid cut the center out of the lid leaving the lockdown ridge intact. use bridal mesh to screen the top so nothing can drift out, place a layer of sand and LR rubble in the bottom of the container place the frags inside the container lockdown the ridge securing the bridal mesh over the container allowing in flow but not out frags. place in a moderatly lit area. this trick will work with ALL leathers, shrooms, rics, as well as most other softies, I wouldnt do this with zoas as they dont adhere fast enough on their own. after a week or two the shroom ric or leather is going to be attached to either some sand or a little chunk of rubble you can then securly glue it to a rock. with krazy glue gel.


Active Member
either flow or lighting the mesh does block some light, if you use a deeper container like s specimin container you can usually leave the mesh off the top as long as flow isnt going to lift the frags out of the container, I use one with holes drilled through the sides to allow flow but not enough to blow the frags out, with no mesh over it. I hope this helps you out a bit.
another method that works great with leathers is to place a rock so its touching the mother colony, the leather will attach eventually (give it about three weeks so it has a good purchase on the rock) then cut free the section attached to the rock. You can also do this with rics and shrooms, this is a veryu slow method of fragging but often a higher success ratio, it may work best for you if you are having trouble fragging by other methods.


Thats an awesome idea RZ.... Theres nothing that sucks more that losing frags. Speaking of losing frags, I've got a tiny yellow spaghetti leather frag thats not wanting to attatch to my rock. I really want it to attatch to a certain rock, but cant remove it from the pile. Is it ok to band, net or toothpick these guys cause right now its just stuck partially into a hole? This is my first experience with a leather.