Shots of my 75


New Member
Thanks, No clue I was hoping someone could tell me. When I got it, it was about a 2 or 3 inch frag and now its huge. i've fragged it 2 or 3 times and it keeps growing, All I know is it is some kind of hard coral. There is also a huge frogspawn in there but its not in the pics.


Well-Known Member

I can’t imagine why you waited so long to post. Your tank is beautiful and healthy….with 4 years under your belt and such good success, I’m sure you have some good advice. Thanks for sharing…and don’t be so shy.


New Member
Thanks everyone! Like i said the tank is a 75 with a cascade canister filter, 760 watt MH, PC combo fixture. I just bought the fixture about 2 months ago I was running 260 watt pc's plus the stock 40w light strip. The old fixture was great but I just wanted to upgrade because I have always liked the look of the MH's. I also run RO water and a odyssea skimmer (cheap but does the job), and sweeping power heads. And again thanks for all the kind words, If you have anymore questions feel free to ask.


New Member
Originally Posted by sealuvr4life
Beautiful!!!!! I got a 75 gallon, Only been up since Jan....Hope mine is just as successful!
It will it just takes time and read thats what i did, I read 2 or 3 sites before i add anything to the tank. It looks like you have a good start. Oh by the way thanks to everyone on swf for all the info!
Originally Posted by mattzhawk
It will it just takes time and read thats what i did, I read 2 or 3 sites before i add anything to the tank. It looks like you have a good start. Oh by the way thanks to everyone on swf for all the info!
I posted pics with my previous reply. (had to go back and add them LOL)


You have a beautiful tank.....we really need to find out what that coral in the center is though....I LOVE IT!!!!


New Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
You have a beautiful tank.....we really need to find out what that coral in the center is though....I LOVE IT!!!!
Thanks! I have looked and looked with no luck, it looks like the horn coral that they have a picture of on the drs site but i look at other pictures of horn coral and it's a branching coral so i dunno. The Pavona Coral in the last picture (lower left corner) was a little bleached til I got the new mh's and now it's recovered and looks great again. I also forgot to mention that the rock in the tank is 120lbs of agracrete. Glad you guys enjoy it as much as I do. By the way my wife is a huge cat person.