Originally Posted by
However there are ways for the technology to keep pace with the criminals.
I disagree with this statement right here. Here is why. Here in Albuquerque Our "glorious" mayor has installed red light cameras. We have a major problem with people running red lights, I am not talking by a few seconds, I am talking flat out three cars in a row going through the red light. So they installed these cameras...while they were at it the install speed cameras at these intersections as well.
Sounds like a good idea...correct. The Jury is still out. several things. First and foremost these lights turn yellow the guy in front of you is SLAMMING on his brakes you best be ready as well. the city changed the 4 second yellow time down to 2.5 seconds. (gonna get more revenue you know). Thus rear end accidents have increased significantly at these inter sections.
Next problem, you get mailed a ticket in the mail with a picture of your car in the intersection, your license plate, and your posted speed. with a court date. So my question is, where is the proof I was driving. There is none...it is circumstantial. If you take it to court you don't get a judge, you get a glorified "traffic cop.magistrate" or some such. Unless you provide info on who was driving your car you get the fine...no court proceeding, no judge hearing, nothing. The burden of proof is on me, not the city.
And the real kicker, there is a clear spray paint that blurs your license plate in the camera when sprayed with it. We have had these lights for 4 years and the technology has not caught up with the spray paint.
So in the interest of "public" safety my rights have been infringed to a degree and the "true criminal" can still continue doing what they were, not to mention accidents increased....
Crimzy the idea is decent in theory, but in real world situation I think it needs re thought...to many what if's I think for most in this crowd.
I have an Idea, lets go back to horse and buggy.....I am sure the Amish economy could use a stimulus package boost as well.