Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???


Active Member
just wondering what others thoughts are on this topic... its a huge debate here...
i personally think it should be allowed AS LONG AS the persons carrying the weapons have proper training/certification and registered with the school...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Everyone should be allowed ,as long as he or she isn't mentally ill or a felon.In addition to that i am totally against registering my weapons.Its not any of the governments business.
2nd. Amendment :
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
You can pry my gun from my cold dead hand.


New Member
Wish I could get a CC in California. Many folks around here think guns=bad. I strongly believe if an individual is mature enough and shows proper gun handling with a concealed class taken then they should be able to carry. You never really hear of the stories when people used firearms to defend and save themselves from some aggressor. Thugs might think twice about commiting crimes also.


Active Member
I think if you can pass the background check to purchase one and the CC classes then you should be allowed . Gun laws only control honest people . So I say we give the honest more power to deffend them self and others .
Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 .


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
just wondering what others thoughts are on this topic... its a huge debate here...
i personally think it should be allowed AS LONG AS the persons carrying the weapons have proper training/certification and registered with the school...
I don't think it will ever happen .... alot of these sickos are capable of fooling the system.
Do you mean ON campus or just college students in general?
I would have to say no to allowing ANYONE carrying a weapon on a college campus.
Where would those guns be kept? I understand "most" people that carry a weapon are smart enough to properly secure it when they are not using it, but what about the other people living in the dorms/frat houses? What about when that student went to class? There would be no reason for the weapon to be carried into the classroom, so where would it be kept then?
I spent 22 years in the Army and we were never allowed to keep weapons in the barracks/dorms (private or military issued weapons). If someone had a personnel weapon it had to be kept in the Armsroom (along with all the military weapons) and signed out/in anytime that person wanted to use it.


Active Member
If this was allowed they'd be able to carry it to class. No joke, but would you want to be a teacher?!
Originally Posted by bigarn
If this was allowed they'd be able to carry it to class.
Why would someone need to carry a weapon into a classroom??

And kind of off subject but are CC permit holders required to attend any sort of refresher courses and recertification?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hydrodamoper
Why would someone need to carry a weapon into a classroom??

And kind of off subject but are CC permit holders required to attend any sort of refresher courses and recertification?
Two words .... Virginia Tech. (self defense)
I really don't know about your second question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
Two words .... Virginia Tech. (self defense)
I really don't know about your second question.
Unless you had some serious training or had been in combat you'd more then likely not even be able to use your CC to protect yourself and would probably be shot dead before even using it. Or, more likely you'd try and flee or hide before pulling your weapon.
It's funny and sad to think that a person would feel the need to bring/carry a gun on a college campus and I'd be willing to bet the majority of those who are for it, don't have a college education.
Originally Posted by bigarn
Two words .... Virginia Tech. (self defense)
I find it hard to believe that what happened at Virginia Tech could have been stopped by a 18-21 year old college student that was carrying a concealed weapon...
. Now if he had tried that at a police training school he wouldn't have had chance
. I believe it would be a deterant to anyone thinking of doing such a horrible thing but not if they were determined.
Teachers/Professors being allowed to carry a weapon would be more logical. Perhaps the college could set-up a training course for the teachers that wanted to assume the role as the "in classroom guard".
Personally I would not allow any of my children to attend a college that had a open door policy for students carrying weapons. Most college students that I have dealt with are not going to college for just an education, but more so for the "experience".
"Experience" including partying, freedom/independance from parents, being with friends and then an education.
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
arm yourself.
why not level the playing field? criminals usually tend to not abide by the rules, anyways.
I agreed 100000%. I even dedicated 22 years of my life in the Army to defend that freedom....
but I would not carry a weapon to the playground with my 8 year old daughter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
arm yourself.
why not level the playing field? criminals usually tend to not abide by the rules, anyways.
And college campuses are a hotbed for criminals and criminal activity? I can see if your job requires you to carry around large sums of money and you work in a dangerous area then you might want to carry a gun. This whole college thing is silly and if you feel this way and are soo paranoid you'd probably do everyone a favor by not leaving your house at all and just become a shut in. People by and large are good and are not out to harm you; you don't have to listen to what mass media is trying to sell.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Unless you had some serious training or had been in combat you'd more then likely not even be able to use your CC to protect yourself and would probably be shot dead before even using it. Or, more likely you'd try and flee or hide before pulling your weapon.
It's funny and sad to think that a person would feel the need to bring/carry a gun on a college campus and I'd be willing to bet the majority of those who are for it, don't have a college education.
High Schools and Colleges are becoming killing grounds on a more frequent basis all over the country.You live near the city, how many times during the year do you hear about shooting in or around schools?
You may have a point ...some my run before pulling out their weapon but at least they would have the option.It may be the only thing that saves their life.
BTW i know some college educated people that really aren't that bright.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
High Schools and Colleges are becoming killing grounds on a more frequent basis all over the country.You live near the city, how many times during the year do you hear about shooting in or around schools?
You may have a point ...some my run before pulling out their weapon but at least they would have the option.It may be the only thing that saves their life.
What? How many colleges and highschools are there across the country and how many of these shootings have occurred? Don't let the medias coverage and their overexposure to milk these events for every $$ they are worth hoodwink you. The world we live in is no more dangerous today then it was 20 or 30 years ago.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What? How many colleges and highschools are there across the country and how many of these shootings have occurred? Don't let the medias coverage and their overexposure to milk these events for every $$ they are worth hoodwink you. The world we live in is no more dangerous today then it was 20 or 30 years ago.
I maybe mistake but i dont recall moms killing their own kids,kids killing their parents,people blowing up buildings,kids shooting up schools ........... as much as it happens "today".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What? How many colleges and highschools are there across the country and how many of these shootings have occurred? Don't let the medias coverage and their overexposure to milk these events for every $$ they are worth hoodwink you. The world we live in is no more dangerous today then it was 20 or 30 years ago.
As far as the numbers go, it's even safer in reference to crime.
And for the record, I think it is completely unnecessary for students to carry a concealed weapon.