Should College Students Be Allowed To Carry Weapons???


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Check out my myspace my wife is cheri number two on my list check out my pics and hers and tell me if a woman is capable of shooting... I promise I would not wanna be on the other end of her at 600 plus yards and her with her handy dandy sniper rifle...
I would not wanna be on the receiving end of my 8 year old...
I would but I don't have Myspace so I will take your word for it.
Do you hunt with a sniper rifle or target pratice?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I would but I don't have Myspace so I will take your word for it.
Do you hunt with a sniper rifle or target pratice?
Hunt and target practice.
We are going to hit Alaska this next winter and do some long range hunting for sure.
I was big into collecting but have slowed down due to swf... I do not get it guns have been a huge part of my life but swf is sucking all my money up..
I could have purchased some stuff super cheap lately too but passed it up due to wanting new lights got my fluval fx5 etc etc lol..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What if the other 19 all pulled and shot their weapons and 10 of the 19 were bad shots and they killed their classmates instead of the gunman? There are so many variables and circumstances and possibilities when discussing this. IMO, the only really viable option here is to have more armed security personnel on campus along with metal detectors and use them as a deterrent. I gotta say, it's sad that we are even having this conversation. I graduated college less then 10 years ago and I would never have even thought about something like this happening.
I've put more rounds down range than most rent-a-cops. I won my division at the Camp Perry Ohio high power match. No matter what, follow the rules of the NRA
1.) Be sure of your backstop
2.) Be sure of your target
3.) Hit your target
I plan to buy frangible rounds to prevent innocent casualties and to help me be sure of #1 as the bad guy becomes the backstop with frangibles. My dad is a former State Trooper, and he drilled me from my first day with my daisy BB gun. I've shot national and state title matches in both high power and small bore.
If I draw it will be with intent to kill, like you should. Yes, I would hesitate to prevent injury to others, and yes I would find a good firing position before drawing on the bad guy.
I've read many school shootings stopped by citizens, and I cannot remember any blue on blue reported.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I would but I don't have Myspace so I will take your word for it.
Do you hunt with a sniper rifle or target pratice?
I've hunted with a M-1 Garand sniper rifle. Got a ground hog at about 750 yards.
I also target practice at 600-1000 yards, but I don't cheat, I use the iron sights on my accurized M-1 Garand


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I've hunted with a M-1 Garand sniper rifle. Got a ground hog at about 750 yards.
I also target practice at 600-1000 yards, but I don't cheat, I use the iron sights on my accurized M-1 Garand
That sounds like a riot! Prairie dogs would also be a lot of fun to sit back and pop with a gun like that. When my son is older I plan to go hunting with him and I'm really looking forward to it.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
That sounds like a riot! Prairie dogs would also be a lot of fun to sit back and pop with a gun like that. When my son is older I plan to go hunting with him and I'm really looking forward to it.
Come on down this way Jmick,coyote hunting with a 22 cal......Have to thin the pack while there are still pheasant left.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Come on down this way Jmick,coyote hunting with a 22 cal......Have to thin the pack while there are still pheasant left.
I market hunted coyotes on and off my whole life but we used dogs.
We would shoot some as well but dogs do a lot of the work for ya and you can sit in your truck and drink coffee and talk to the other guys you go with via CB'S
We went to the Mississippi delta once and stayed at the mayors place they hired 4 of us to come down and we got to go hunting with hank JR one day at his club it was a cool deal.
I wanna get back into it and pick up some hounds but it looks like my stay in Missouri is only gonna last a few weeks to month or two before I end up back in Florida :) If we end up staying ill pick up some walkers and go to some pens...