Should Imus be fired?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
As a black person in America it is easy for me to see that the ways that minorities are discriminated against, however white America will never understand this because there is no way for you to relate.
Have you ever been a white man in an all black neighborhood? I got the everliving dogsnot beat out of me once for walking down the wrong street in an all black neighbor hood. so I think you are wrong when you say a white man cant understand discrimination.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is more than just a racial issue, its a sexist issue as well. The ladies he is referring to are college athletes who just got finished representing the best of the best of college basketball.
that's a good point. like they said on PTI yesterday, these female athletes usually don't get full scholarships and they don't have the option of jumping to a multi-million dollar scholarship after 1 year. these, as opposed to many of the male atheletes, are true 'student athletes' who are in college because of their athletics AND their brains. and that, to me, is a show of why Imus was more wrong than the race issue part of it.
Originally Posted by Rylan1
He may not be racist ( I don't know) but his comments were bigoted and offend a lot of people.
I've never listened to the show, but I've heard he's actually quite racist and hired a writer for the sole purpose of writing racial jokes. don't know if that's true or not.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

Now I agree that Jackson and Sharpton may have an agenda, Jackson especially. But who else is there to step and stand for the rights of these women. The issue did not come to light until they began protesting.
that's not correct. the national media was all over this story for at least 3 full days before Jackson or Sharpton ever made the first public comment on it. Kornheiser/Willbon (pti) and the 4 guys on The Sportscasters were talking about it last Thursday, Sharpton/Jackson didn't get involved until the weekend.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

As a black person in America it is easy for me to see that the ways that minorities are discriminated against, however white America will never understand this because there is no way for you to relate. Its like saying a man understands what its like to be pregnant...And this is the same for comments that we make within our own community...
BS. your profile says you're 27 years old, so don't try telling me how you've had it so tough. no offense, but if you didn't grow up before the 1970s, you don't know true racism on a large scale.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Have you ever been a white man in an all black neighborhood? I got the everliving dogsnot beat out of me once for walking down the wrong street in an all black neighbor hood. so I think you are wrong when you say a white man cant understand discrimination.
No, but I have been discriminated against by police and by some white people.I'm sorry that that happened to you, and you did get a taste. This happens to gays, blacks, and other races all the time. But the difference is that you don't live in a world that you have to deal with this on a constant basis. Just imagine if you had to deal with this every day like blacks had to 30 years ago in some areas....My question is what were you doing in that neighborhood anyway, it was probably a bad area that I wouldn't want to go either. But we are discrimatated in all aspects of life. That is what is different.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
But we are discrimatated in all aspects of life. That is what is different.
now your over exagerating it. its like if I said all black people are racist because of the one bad incident that happened to me. Minority rights are more protected than any others, (be it black, asian, gay) but if your a normal white person there are no special laws for you. if anything you have more rights because of the fact that if you dont get hired you can scream it was "racism" its a pathetic pity party. If you dress and speak like a thug people are going to assume your a thug. if you dress and speak like a well mannered person they arent its that simple. yes there are exeptions there will always be racists. your not Oppressed as a minority your given extra leeway. because of the laws that you have to hire X amounts of minorities on your payroll the minority under qualified person gets the job over the more qualified person, this translates to actuall damages for the company forced to hire the underqualified persons but the "special rights laws" make the company do this. I dont hear minorities complaining about special treatments.


Active Member
I can understand how you can say I haven't had it that hard....And in many ways that is true... I've never been sprayed by a fire hose, or stood tried to enter a school while whites are protesting for me not to enter. However I have been racially profiled several times, once at gun point and searched. Have never commited a crime and have a college degree. I've been treated like a second class citizen at restraunts, told not to go to certain areas because I may come back injured, called racist names. Women clinch their purses or look at me with suspicion, etc, etc..... Its not a badge of honor I carry. You have people that are still being killed because they are black. Bottomline is that race is still a major problem in this country. I am the only black person in my office of more than 60 people. It is what it is. I still love all people regardless of race, I was not raised to hate anyone and I have many friends of different races and backgrounds. This is not a problem for me regardless of what has happened. What I've come to know is there are good people and evil people...ignorant and accepting.

30-xtra high

Active Member
not at all.. i find racism along with sexism just a joke, and a way for people to make trouble and sue for money..
it doesn't matter if people like him or not, who friggin cares?, if he offends you.. change the channel, how about that.. problem solved., who cares what people look like to him, his opinion really doesn't matter, freedom of speech, he can say what ever he feels like, just don't listen and don't care..simple as that, racism is a joke, white people can insult black people just as easily as black people can insult white people (along with any other race) just as easy.. its not that terrible to be called a name.. 5 yr. olds take it fine.. we can to, this whole thing is just an attempt for reporters to make money and news teams to make a rucuss..


Active Member
Racism and discrimination are still major issues in the United States. Thankfully, they are not as terrible as they once were, but major progress still needs to take place. Homosexuals, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans, Catholics, Jews, women, and many other groups of people (INCLUDING caucasians) are discriminated against every day.
Imus' rant was certainly racist, but who is to say rap songs aren't? There are racist comments said all of the time. Snoop Dogg's comments on the issue do not help matters either. Does any of this make Imus' comment right? Of course not. Major progress needs to occur on a large scale.
There are a lot of ignorant people still living in the United States. I don't think that is any argument. Racism and sexism certainly are not jokes, as a deleted comment insisted that they were. With that said, I would like to say this discussion does not seem like it is going anywhere productive.