Should we wage war against IRAN?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
What are your thoughts on IRAN and Nuclear Weapons? I think it would be monumental mistake to allow them to make or posses them.
Do you buy into the claim they want to develop nuclear technology for scientific research or LMAO ENERGY?
What should we do? More sanctions?Diplomacy?
Or should we just bomb them farther back into the stone ages than they already are? What to do?What to do?
I sure none of you want to see a mushroom cloud first hand,and if Iran is allowed to have the technology im, afraid thats exactly whats going to happen.


Active Member
Let Israel bomb them, then support Israel. Let the God of Israel rain fire and brimstone upon their .........wait........same God, different messenger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
What are your thoughts on IRAN and Nuclear Weapons? I think it would be monumental mistake to allow them to make or posses them.
Do you buy into the claim they want to develop nuclear technology for scientific research or LMAO ENERGY?
What should we do? More sanctions?Diplomacy?
Or should we just bomb them farther back into the stone ages than they already are? What to do?What to do?
I sure none of you want to see a mushroom cloud first hand,and if Iran is allowed to have the technology im, afraid thats exactly whats going to happen.
This has been done to death already in a thread here about 2 weeks ago.. You probably could still dig it up in the archives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
This has been done to death already in a thread here about 2 weeks ago.. You probably could still dig it up in the archives.
Party pooper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Party pooper.

HE HE, this will force people to dig deeper and get more creative. No disrespect to VICI.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Let Israel bomb them, then support Israel. Let the God of Israel rain fire and brimstone upon their .........wait........same God, different messenger.
Israel won't bomb them. They don't start wars, they react when necessary. And they have enough on their plate with the Palestinians.


Active Member
The answer is NO. Why are we conteplating war when there has not been anything done in regards to sanctions or diplomacy. This is very premature and is the wrong course that republicans seem to think would be the next course of action. I know that relations are not good with that country, but they do have a right to protect their country and to have access to energy. We need to approach them diplomatically.
They do have a problem there with energy. They get gasoline rations to fill their cars, and even though they are an oil rich nation... they are not able to import refinery parts so that they can produce their own gas.
I also have a problem with our refineries..Oil companies are making billions in profit, yet they will not build new refineries. They say the reason why gas prices go up is because of a lack of supply... which is due to the refineries not operating at full capacity or shutting down due to mechanical problems. If they built more we would have excess which would lower the price... We simply need to do invest in other fuels and to build more refineries.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The answer is NO. Why are we conteplating war when there has not been anything done in regards to sanctions or diplomacy. This is very premature and is the wrong course that republicans seem to think would be the next course of action. I know that relations are not good with that country, but they do have a right to protect their country and to have access to energy. We need to approach them diplomatically.
They do have a problem there with energy. They get gasoline rations to fill their cars, and even though they are an oil rich nation... they are not able to import refinery parts so that they can produce their own gas.
I also have a problem with our refineries..Oil companies are making billions in profit, yet they will not build new refineries. They say the reason why gas prices go up is because of a lack of supply... which is due to the refineries not operating at full capacity or shutting down due to mechanical problems. If they built more we would have excess which would lower the price... We simply need to do invest in other fuels and to build more refineries.
Let try something different on this thread.Lets take political parties out of the discussion as well as religion and just focus on IRAN.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

Why are we contemplating war when there has not been anything done in regards to sanctions or diplomacy. This is very premature and is the wrong course that republicans seem to think would be the next course of action. I know that relations are not good with that country, but they do have a right to protect their country and to have access to energy. We need to approach them diplomatically.
On 23 December 2006 the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 1737, adopted a range of sanctions against Iran.
To give effect to Resolution 1737 New Zealand has introduced the United Nations Sanctions (Iran) Regulations 2007. Included in the Regulations are prohibitions on the export to or import from Iran of items, materials, equipment and goods that could contribute to Iran's enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.
The Regulations are effective from 23 March 2007.
Iran has called U.N. resolution's 'invalid' and 'illegal,' and vows to continue enriching uranium.
You say they have the right to protect their self and i agree they do ,but does a country need Nuclear Weapons to do so? Especially a country who has intentions of wiping another country off the globe.It would be insane to let Iran have Nuclear Weapons.
Self defence is a not a good reason to let them have Nukes and I'm afraid diplomacy with Iran is out of the question since US policy doesn't allow us to negotiate with terrorist countries. Our policy is cease and assist or you are now our enemy and we will deal with you as such. Iran is our enemy, to think any differently would be crazy
Iran still seems to have no problems carrying on with their Nuclear ambitions and to say that they cannot built their own refineries is a ridiculous statement.They don't seem to have a problem building anything else.They have been building their own warships,warplanes,missiles and other war waging implements for some time now ,so to claim they cant build a refinery is not a realistic statement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Let try something different on this thread.Lets take political parties out of the discussion as well as religion and just focus on IRAN.
On 23 December 2006 the United Nations Security Council in Resolution 1737, adopted a range of sanctions against Iran.
To give effect to Resolution 1737 New Zealand has introduced the United Nations Sanctions (Iran) Regulations 2007. Included in the Regulations are prohibitions on the export to or import from Iran of items, materials, equipment and goods that could contribute to Iran's enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems.
The Regulations are effective from 23 March 2007.
Iran has called U.N. resolution's 'invalid' and 'illegal,' and vows to continue enriching uranium.
You say they have the right to protect their self and i agree they do ,but does a country need Nuclear Weapons to do so? Especially a country who has intentions of wiping another country off the globe.It would be insane to let Iran have Nuclear Weapons.
Self defence is a not a good reason to let them have Nukes and I'm afraid diplomacy with Iran is out of the question since US policy doesn't allow us to negotiate with terrorist countries. Our policy is cease and assist or you are now our enemy and we will deal with you as such. Iran is our enemy, to think any differently would be crazy
Iran still seems to have no problems carrying on with their Nuclear ambitions and to say that they cannot built their own refineries is a ridiculous statement.They don't seem to have a problem building anything else.They have been building their own warships,warplanes,missiles and other war waging implements for some time now ,so to claim they cant build a refinery is not a realistic statement.

Do some more research... they do have an energy shortage. But you say that U.S policy doesn't allow.... We'll there is a problem with US Policy then. Thats why I do not want Gulliani for president because he implied that he would start a war with Iran. Why is dipomacy out of the question? Why assume that violence and war is the answer to all problems? Our leaders owe it to the american people to try every option before they put lives at risk. As I stated fighting is not the option...if we are supposed to be a moral authority or a world leader... we need to stop being the bully and handle problems like men, who can sit down and talk about their problems w/o violence...and come up with some sort of resolution. Is the answer in any relationship to fight? Diplomacy is the only and best option...You mention sanctions that are not even a year long....Besides we have placed sanctions on Cuba that have not worked... This needs to be talked out, which is why I support Obama because he sees this, while other candidates have your view point.
You want to do things like we always have...which hasn't worked... we need a new direction, because if we continue down this path... it will be WWIII. Maybe that is God's plan... to usher in his return...(Can't take religion out
) I don't know what you believe, but if we attack Iran... it will be WWIII- can you agree with that statement?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Israel won't bomb them. They don't start wars, they react when necessary. And they have enough on their plate with the Palestinians.
I guess I shoulda put (sarcasm) in the post somewhere. Doesn't it seem ironic that we all (Jews, Muslims and Christians) claim to worship the same God? (the God of Abraham)
I don't seriously believe that we should "shoot first and ask questions later."
BTW, Israel has mentioned strategic bombing where Iran is concerned.
came, saw, conquered...
We can't really take religion out of the equation. It seems to be the driving force of politics and economy in that area of the world.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I dont think war is or should be the first response in most cases.But we are at odds with a county who condones and celebrates death of Americans.Also a country that supports through weapons, logistics,and training the killing of American servicemen and civilians alike.You really think negotiations are the answer.I think anything short of surrendering to Iran wont make it any less dangerous than it already is.I dont even believe surrender would make the Iranian government happy.
I think they would like to see us wiped off the face of the globe as well.
In regards to any energy shortage that Iran claims to have.I would say thats BS .Propaganda maybe? I would say probably.They can produce missiles,jets,ships......... but not refinery's.I think not.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
We can't really take religion out of the equation. It seems to be the driving force of politics and economy in that area of the world.
This is a issue that is 2000+ years old.Its a dead issue. Live and let live hasnt worked in the past and i just dont see it happening now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
This is a issue that is 2000+ years old.Its a dead issue. Live and let live hasnt worked in the past and i just dont see it happening now.

Somebody should tell the liberals and democrats (if there is a difference), because I don't think they know about this little morsel of info.


Active Member
Who says Israel won't bomb them????
1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor
The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.
It is the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant.
An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
The army command said all the Israeli planes returned safely.
The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had not been stocked with nuclear fuel so there was no danger of a leak, according to sources in the French atomic industry


Active Member
Israel just bombed suspected nuclear sites in syria 2 weeks ago, JDL confirmed. So as far as them not be on the offensive is just not founded, they will do what ever they see as fit to maintain the security on their state. Including being on the offensive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Who says Israel won't bomb them????
1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor
The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.
It is the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant.
An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
The army command said all the Israeli planes returned safely.
The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had not been stocked with nuclear fuel so there was no danger of a leak, according to sources in the French atomic industry
These things occurred under a much more aggressive Israeli regime. Their government now takes a somewhat more moderate approach to international policy. Not saying it would be a bad thing if Israel carried out some strategic air strikes against Iranian targets but I just don't think it will happen.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Israel just bombed suspected nuclear sites in syria 2 weeks ago, JDL confirmed. So as far as them not be on the offensive is just not founded, they will do what ever they see as fit to maintain the security on their state. Including being on the offensive.
It seems the Israelis know the dangers and consequences of waiting for diplomacy to work.We might want to take a page or two out of their negotiations book.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
It seems the Israelis know the dangers and consequences of waiting for diplomacy to work.We might want to take a page or two out of their negotiations book.
Because their neighbors don't understand Diplomacy.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Because their neighbors don't understand Diplomacy.
Exactly...Irans idea of Diplomacy is "Wipe you off the face of the earth."