Should we wage war against IRAN?


Active Member
Well I hate Iran for supporting insurgents and getting them into Iraq, so I guess if we'd have to go in, then I'd support it. I guess if we can stop them from getting insurgents in Iraq, the war would end a lot sooner. And I'm all for ending the war in Iraq.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
This is the sad thing about this...
Even if it was right or needed to go to war with Iran or any other counrty, we couldnt...we dont have the personel to do it...thats why their stopping the surge....we have depleated the combat forces with a war that was not needed and now if we need to fight another....we couldnt....IMO.
Did you fill out your draft registration card?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
If they are supplying insurgents in Iraq and killing American by proxy aren't we already at war?
You actually used the word proxy without the words server or network in the same sentence.
Your vernacular is smokin' hot, sir!

Since the proxy war issue was brought up, maybe we could talk the Greeks into invading Iran for us.

veni vidi vici

Active Member

If we don't do something soon we wont have to debate Creationism vs. Evolution. We will get some first hand knowledge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Well I hate Iran for supporting insurgents and getting them into Iraq, so I guess if we'd have to go in, then I'd support it. I guess if we can stop them from getting insurgents in Iraq, the war would end a lot sooner. And I'm all for ending the war in Iraq.

What about the Saudi's, I'd imagine that they are supporting insurgents with critical $$ and bodies, should we invade them?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What about the Saudi's, I'd imagine that they are supporting insurgents with critical $$ and bodies, should we invade them?
I would say "Cut off the head of the snake."Iran poses the biggest threat right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I would say "Cut off the head of the snake."Iran poses the biggest threat right now.
Explain this, how do they pose the biggest threat? Are we talking about supporting insurgents, nuclear weapons, destabilizing the region or something else?
Also, do they have ICBM's that can threaten the US or are you more worried about the neighboring countries?
Personally, I think the $$ the Saudi's pump into the terrorist cells make them the biggest threat to OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Explain this, how do they pose the biggest threat? Are we talking about supporting insurgents, nuclear weapons, destabilizing the region or something else?
Also, do they have ICBM's that can threaten the US or are you more worried about the neighboring countries?
Personally, I think the $$ the Saudi's pump into the terrorist cells make them the biggest threat to OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.
I specifically am talking Nuclear Weapons .Haveing one would be disastrous for the WORLD.
There are many ways to deliver a nuclear device,it dosent have to be straped on a ICBM.Crap they could ride it down Main St.USA on a camel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Explain this, how do they pose the biggest threat? Are we talking about supporting insurgents, nuclear weapons, destabilizing the region or something else?
Also, do they have ICBM's that can threaten the US or are you more worried about the neighboring countries?
Personally, I think the $$ the Saudi's pump into the terrorist cells make them the biggest threat to OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.
Soooo... let's bomb the Saudi's.
I have no problem with holding them responsible. Problem is, USA won't do that because somehow they are percieved as our friends.
Even though, what was it 13-15 of the 19 9-11 hijackers, were Saudi??
Kills me to see GW and every other Prez before him kissin' cheek with those who preach hate of US culture to their children.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I specifically am talking Nuclear Weapons .Haveing one would be disastrous for the WORLD.
What about Korea then and on top of it they have missles?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I specifically am talking Nuclear Weapons .Haveing one would be disastrous for the WORLD.
There are many ways to deliver a nuclear device,it dosent have to be straped on a ICBM.Crap they could ride it down Main St.USA on a camel.
Or a caravan of Illegals from Mexico or Canada. Probably in a F150 though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What about Korea then and on top of it they have missles?
Korea is not calling for the destruction of their neighbors. Big difference.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Personally, I think the $$ the Saudi's pump into the terrorist cells make them the biggest threat to OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.
I also believe Saudis are guilty of alot.But lets face it ,i believe we have terrorist here in the states now just waiting for the opportunity to cause mass damage. Just think what would happen if Iran or N.Korea supplied a Dirty Bomb or a Nuclear Device to "One" terrorist willing to die for their cause.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What about Korea then and on top of it they have missles?
Korea is in a state of isolation right now but i wouldnt take my eye off them .I also would say this ,they already have a weapon so we cant stop them from getting one.Iran doesnt yet,and we can stop them or atleast slow them way down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Korea is in a state of isolation right now but i wouldnt take my eye off them .I also would say this ,they already have a weapon so we cant stop them from getting one.Iran doesnt yet,and we can stop them or atleast slow them way down.

Who's to say they haven't bought a small aresenal from Russia?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Who's to say they haven't bought a small aresenal from Russia?
Russians may be greedy, but not stupid. After all. They are closer.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Who's to say they haven't bought a small aresenal from Russia?
Do you think Russia is that stupid?Nuclear material is traceable.They would be held accountable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Russians may be greedy, but not stupid. After all. They are closer.
Perhaps, but you can't rule it out.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Perhaps, but you can't rule it out.
No we cant rule out anything.We cant afford to sit on our hand either.Iran IMO is bringing war upon themselves and i think they are in for a rude awakening .Sooner rater than later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
No we cant rule out anything.We cant afford to sit on our hand either.Iran IMO is bringing war upon themselves and i think they are in for a rude awakening .Sooner rater than later.
Where are the troops gonna come from?