I originally had a Naso tang on my list of fish for my tank. I have some people tell me that it will get to big for my tank, so I am trying to decide if I should get one or not. My tank is a 165 gal(84Lx24Hx18W). Anyway, if I do not go with the Naso then I am wanting one more fish in the 6 to 12 inch range that will be somewhat of a open water swimmer and not just hang around the rockwork. My tank has just started cycle so I have some time, but I am trying to decide so that I can come up with the order in which to introduce the fish. This will be a mixed reef tank.
Yellow tang
Hippo tang
Blue Throat Trigger (I have read alot on this fish, and believe it is reef safe)
Marron Clown (already have in QT tank)
Some type of Fairy Wrasse
Flame angel or Flame hawkfish
Lawmower blennie
Neon Goby (cleaner fish)
Possible 3 to 5 Green Chromis
Clean up crew ( possible without shrimp,because of trigger and hawkfish)
Yellow tang
Hippo tang
Blue Throat Trigger (I have read alot on this fish, and believe it is reef safe)
Marron Clown (already have in QT tank)
Some type of Fairy Wrasse
Flame angel or Flame hawkfish
Lawmower blennie
Neon Goby (cleaner fish)
Possible 3 to 5 Green Chromis
Clean up crew ( possible without shrimp,because of trigger and hawkfish)