show off those big tanks


Active Member
yeah nice tank johnsus really like the corals and fish u got there!
devaji108.... yeah in the beggining i had issues with the tang gettin ich and head and lateral line errosion which they are prone too also.... hes healed now ive had him for about 2 years now got him as a lil guy....
anyways i think the key to these guys is a varied diet of both a vitamin enriched meaty food like mysid and then various algae based foods like formula 1 and 2 along with some seaweed sheets...
hope that helps


johnus wow !very nice tank how do all thoses tangs get along?
how hard is it to keep the acilles I here they are not so hardy?
any advice is I was to get one 4 my 240?


reefdiver another coloradoan here to do know about the rocky mountain reef club? it's a great place to meet with other locals reefers.


Can u wait like 2 years until mine is up and running??? If u do i promise that you wont be the least bit dissapointed!!!! lol


Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's a picture of my 470. It's tough to get a full tank shot that looks any good.

What are the dimensions of that monster?????????? what kind of tank is it?? did you have to have it built, or did you buy it from a store??
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
BigTang803]What are the dimensions of that monster?????????? what kind of tank is it?? did you have to have it built, or did you buy it from a store??
Dimensions are 96X36X31. Acrylic tank I had custom built for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's a picture of my 470. It's tough to get a full tank shot that looks any good.
I wish i had that problem...Nice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
Here's a picture of my 470. It's tough to get a full tank shot that looks any good.
Your tank is truly amazing!!!


Active Member
goodwin, to have 3 tanks of those sizes, you must either be: 1. a woman, 2. single, or 3. have a VERY understanding wife.
I have a 180 salt and 135 cichlid and my wife is in CONSTANT nag mode.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
goodwin, to have 3 tanks of those sizes, you must either be: 1. a woman, 2. single, or 3. have a VERY understanding wife.
I have a 180 salt and 135 cichlid and my wife is in CONSTANT nag mode.
Correct answer is number 2. Along with the three tanks above, I have 150 gal African tank, 12 gallon nano tank, a 20, 37, and 75 gallon fresh water tanks, along with an 80 gallon coral propagation tank. No wife, but a cat who thinks I am ignoring him all of the time while I am taking care of the tanks.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
BigTang803]What are the dimensions of that monster?????????? what kind of tank is it?? did you have to have it built, or did you buy it from a store??
Dimensions are 96X36X31. Acrylic tank I had custom built for me.
Goodwin9, my next tank will be similar to your 470G....can you share with me approximately how much the tank cost you? Also, if you could do it again would you change anything about the tank (dimensions, size, etc.)


heres mine, u really cant SEE ANYTHING!! because swf wants to be cheap and only allow images under 500x500. break out the glasses :)