Show off your holiday additions!


From my family i got :

(150 watt metal halide lamp ^_^)
and from my girlfriend i got these two:

The star in the back is their lunch


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
how often do you have to feed them starfish?
are they reef safe? those are awesoem! harlequin shrimp (corrrect?)


Active Member
Originally Posted by cwgibson
they feed only on starfish from what i have read.
so meaning they are reeef safe.. as long as the starfish are reef safe... what kinf of starfish? my lfs feeds them Choclate starfish


how many starfish can one eat? If u put one starfish in wont it last them awhile cause i saw them in a lfs today and wanted to buy one but im not sure if i can feed them a starfish everyday


Well i dont know.... The guy at the LFS gave me a tile star (you can see it in that pic) to feed em cause he didnt had chocolate chip stars or feeder stars. I put it in at the same time as the shrimp. 3 days later (today that is) i woke up to find the star COPLETELY destroyed and the shrimp eating its remains. They seemed to lose interest in the dead star so I left in the 2 legs that seemed to still have meat in them and removed the body... Maybe these got hungry during shipping but i really hope they dont go thru a star every 3 days heheh. ANd yes, very reef safe, but if stuff gets close to them they will defend themselves!


Originally Posted by whackamole
how many starfish can one eat? If u put one starfish in wont it last them awhile cause i saw them in a lfs today and wanted to buy one but im not sure if i can feed them a starfish everyday

i love ur avatar! hahaha


oh also, I dont think the star you feed them being reef safe or not is much of an issue. These two wouldnt let the tile star wander far from their cave at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i got this on christmas eve
Is that a octopus??? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Benter
Here is mine after the dreaded heater incident..finally getting a few fish again..My new Flasher wrasse..Merry Christmas to me..

I have had my flasher for 6 months, and he is a jumper, clunked his head several time on my lights so hard it dazed him, so beware. Nice fish though

I got a gift certificate burning a hole in my pocket

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by whackamole
how many starfish can one eat? If u put one starfish in wont it last them awhile cause i saw them in a lfs today and wanted to buy one but im not sure if i can feed them a starfish everyday

I want to buy one, I heard they only need one like every two weeks or so.... Theres theis star that is just booming on the GBR (great barrier reef) it destroys SPS corals, and the harlequin eat it, maybe someone should think about collecting this tyope of star, and making a Harlequin shrimp food out of it. I saw this show on Discovery. Sorry to hijack

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by Madman33
Havent made it to the lfs yet....:(
Hey madman which one u headin to? Keys island should have some stock in now. I went last week, and got my fish that I said above. They have a near infinite supply of coral, because they propagate their own, but their fish stock was blasted because of the storm. He said an order was coming in this week, I hope I can get doewn to get my new CLOWN!