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Originally Posted by Quil
Wow, that's big is your fuzzy?
thanks, he's about 4".


Active Member
heres my fuzzy hes a charecter he has consumed 2 fish in the past but now i keep him full so he doesnt act out!



Murph, those are really yellow fins on your fuzzy...don't think I've ever seem them that color before...


Active Member
This is mine's baby picture. Thats a 10 gallon he's in. He won 2nd or 3rd place (whatever red is) overall marine fish at only 5"!!! Show size for a Volitan is supposed to be 10" minimum. When my evil little Huma killed him, he was 15" long with an 18" fin span.


Active Member
murph . that's awesome how you got a a yellow fuzzy dwarf .. their a lot rarer than any other color .. and it's cool how it looks like he's "hosting" the green star polyps


Active Member
I don't think so, I never really took any pictures of my fish. I worked at a distributor and was surrounded by fish about 50 hours a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tangs123
did he eat the cardinal?
No, I nudged him with a net and he spit out the cardinal. Cardinal died about 5 days later. I had him over a year, very sad, but another day in the reef.


Here's my new fuzzy Dwarf.
He's in a 5 Gallon QT until I can get the 45 gallon set up for him and my Damsel. It should be up and running this weekend and ready for fish in a few weeks.


By the way, I really love the yellow-finned Fuzzy earlier in the thread. I seem to remember someone on one of these boards paying like $400 for a yellow one time.


Active Member
that antennata is amazing .. it looks awesome .. I'm thinking of either getting an antennata, russels or volitans for my 90 gallon.. can't decide yet


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adamc1303
I noticed you have them in reef tanks are they completley safe for a reef?
Definately NOT reef safe. Mine is in a 125 with almost 300 lbs. of rocks for fish and stuff to hide in.
Murph145 pics. is what drove me to get one. His fish is the finest specimen I HAVE EVER seen.