I just looked at the pic you posted on page 2, I think it was? It's spotless. Does it not look like that any more? I have to say that when I recharged my phosban reactor with new bio-pellets what little cyano I did have disappeared almost over night. Do you have a phosban reactor?
The water clarity is fantastic, But unfortunately we had one of our Gyers stop working and were without proper flow for about 16 days, since then the sand bed is absolutely filthy, well have to vacuum next change. The tangs are messy fish and I find without the proper turbulent flow to keep detritus off sand bed and rocks we do struggle.
I also have to blow rocks off every week, but I am terribly guilty of overfeeding, so that's my badi suppose.
The tank is now only 12 weeks old so I am still cleaning glass every day, cant wait for that to settle a little to. I know when our old tank got to about 6 months the glass cleaning was reduced to about every 6 days or so. And let me tell you 17ft of glass every day,,,,,,PAIN !
I just really like the look of your tank, ours is still clean but seems to require a lot more work that yours to stay that way.
Can you see anything I am doing wrong that is making this task a horrid job, besides overfeeding as I will always do that for the copperband and dragonets who are slow arse feeders, so food has to hit the sand and be there for a minimum of 10mins.
I do run 2 x phos reactors 1 with rowa phos and once with seachem phosgurad I also have a carbon reactor. I change out these reactors appox every 4 weeks.