show off your zoas!!!!


I've always loved mine, but I'm almost ashamed to post my pics next to these gorgeous colors you guys have.



Originally Posted by maelv
Good to know. I will have to take a better look next time I am out and about. I know one store just doesn't have that great of zoos. He is using the same lights I have. 250 W - 20 K Radiums........but thanks for the heads up. I will pay closer attention next time...
Awesome. Yeah. i'm kind of funny like that. I look at the crappy ones half the time and am like, well there's a bit of green or red. Like my greens in my picture that are super bright green in the skirts, were a dirty nasty brown and they colored up in no time, and I just got this 10 polyp frag that had a mix of weird brown ones, come to find out the good majority of them have a dark green skirt and a bright peach center. it's kind of like a treasure hunt :)
oh and sorry for not saying so before, but awesome zoo's. i love the colors. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Awesome. Yeah. i'm kind of funny like that. I look at the crappy ones half the time and am like, well there's a bit of green or red. Like my greens in my picture that are super bright green in the skirts, were a dirty nasty brown and they colored up in no time, and I just got this 10 polyp frag that had a mix of weird brown ones, come to find out the good majority of them have a dark green skirt and a bright peach center. it's kind of like a treasure hunt :)
oh and sorry for not saying so before, but awesome zoo's. i love the colors. :)
Thanks Jason, yours look good also. Love the 4th and the last ones in your set of photos, the those look really cool. I just can't wait until they start growing. I glued them onto bigger rocks so they have room to grow and I can frag out later. Now I need a better camera. I used a 3.2 mp camera for mine.


You're welcome and thank you as well. The greens in the 4th were those crappy ones i was telling you about. And They were the very first zoo I ever bought. There's 200+ on the mother colony, of those "eagle eyes" and "neon greens" the polyps were dropping off the rock they came on and some were dangling, so I took like 12 and attached four to each of 3 seperate rocks and now each rock has at last count 20+ polyps! I was so proud of myself and it was my first try with zoo's and first time fragging anything. This all took place in about a month and a half to two months. Excellent growth. And the last ones with the orangish mouths are refered to as sunny side ups. Brown polyps, orange mouth and scrambled egg colored area around the orange. They're really a special looking zoo. :)


Active Member
That's great....well when I get to the point where I can frag something perhaps we can work out a have amazing zoos...sorry to everyone else...I know that is a different forum...just throwing it out there really quick...LOL


Originally Posted by maelv
That's great....well when I get to the point where I can frag something perhaps we can work out a have amazing zoos...sorry to everyone else...I know that is a different forum...just throwing it out there really quick...LOL
haha definitely. thanks. i'm waiting for the red ones in the first two pics to grow and start spreading. i don't think you'll get any complaints here.


I just got these tonight at a frag swap...
Does anyone know what they are called ? They are so bright I'm thingking they where a great find :) They are like orange - pink in the center w/ greenish skirts... They are color grabbers when you walk in to the room...With just halides or antic's....