show us your tank



What can I say, Awsome tank!!! How old? it looks like you have pleanty of Coraline there.


Thanks all for the compliments! Its been a LONG haul- those of you who were around in the beginning when i had the run in with the "distilled" water will remember how bad it was...
It's a year old this month- who hoo!
Im in the process now of building a refugium downstairs that im going to connect to the main tank-- right now its just anohter 55 gallon long tank with 200 pounds of live rock in it, and 150 pounds of southdown sand.... cash is a little tight right now, so we're probably looking at the beginning of the year till i buy a pump and connect the 2...
in the meatime i have to resist the urge to stock the downstairs tank with fish :)

Active Member
javajoe what was the distilled water thing just asking that is what i have been using and have not had a thing go wrong for me.


Staff member
Some really nice looking tanks.
Slothy, how long have you had the feather star? These are supposedly rather difficult to keep alive. I've had mine for a bit over a month, and still doing well.
Rogers that yellow tang looks under fed! How long have you had him? Tangs should be nice and fat, like that hippo.
Marco, really nice. Do you have that sandbed tiered somehow?


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Slothy, how long have you had the feather star? These are supposedly rather difficult to keep alive. I've had mine for a bit over a month, and still doing well.

about 2 months maybe... seems to like brineshrimp.. and it does go crazy when i put dt into the tank... what are you feeding yours ?


Staff member
I'm not feeding. Tank is supposed to be self supporting. However, I've heard so much possitive things about DT, that I think I will get some.
How do you like it?


Active Member
yeah i am very impressed. when i go home for thanksgiving im gonna take some pics of my 135 and post em. puts my little 20 to shame, but its all i can afford righ tnow though, and it kicks ass anyhow. just got a job at the local lfs though yesterday, and i get everyhting at 10 percent below cost, so a new tank may be very near in the future!:D ;) :D
good luck and keep the pics coming!