show us your tank

Active Member
attml is that the liverock you got from the house of tropicals my tank is the first tank on here. Your tank lookes very good.



Originally posted by
javajoe what was the distilled water thing just asking that is what i have been using and have not had a thing go wrong for me.

The distilled water thing....
My first water change, I did not have a RO filter, and was told by my LFS that distilled water is fine for water changes. So i bought 10 gallons of mayer brothers distilled water at walmart, and did a water change. I used about 8 gallons, and planned on using the other 2 for making up the evaporated water.
Well, within 6 hrs, ALL of my LR bleached- completely white- lot a couple fish, and went through a 3 month battle with some unknown algae- no one was able to identify it. After 3 months of water 20% weekly water changes, scrubbing the algae off the rocks, etc- we FINALLY got in under control.
Well, the day I did the water changes and had the bleacing happen, i tested one of the unopened bottles, the ammonia content was THRU THE ROOF. Was also high in phosphates, nitrates, etc-- turned out to have almost identical readings to the water coming out of my tap. The company would not reimburse me for any damages, as 'the bottle was opened- they do not cover damages caused by water that was opened.'
SO- bascially, if the bottle fell of the shelve and hit me in the head- I might get some money, but since i actually USED the water- they will not do anything. Since that time, i have a personal vendetta against mayer bros- we do not buy ANY of their products.
My thoughts on ANY water- not just distilled, is that it is a good idea to test it regardless. I won't ever use distilled water becuase of the problem we had, but I still test my RO before using it- just to be safe.
But- thank God- our tank does look great now, but I tell you-- if we had not allready spent so much money on it-- i would have taken it apart and forgotten the whole thing..... 9 months and a couple thousand $$$ later, i must say Im glad we stuck with it. :)


Active Member
Only one piece (in the middle kind of underneath another piece) is from House of Tropicals (that is the piece from Palau). The rest is from the Aqurium Center (it is Florida Aquacultured). Thanks for the kind words about my tank. It is only 2 months old and has a long way to go. I only have one piece of Porite Coral that came attached to my live rock. I like your tank it looks like you have a really good start! Good talking to you!

nm reef

Active Member
Very interesting thread...and some extremely nice systems...mine is a lil 55 that is close to 2 years old now...and developing quite nicely...:cool:
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