Shrimp Compatibility


New Member
I have a stripped cleaner shrimp. I am looking at reef packages. Will a coral banded shrimp or peppermint shrimp get along better with the stripped cleaner? I here coral banded shrimp are not easy to get along with? Right?


New Member
I wouldnt try the coral banded... mine has a habit of killing anything that has the same number of legs as it. Just took out my poor little porcelin crab the other day when it strayed to their end of the tank.


coral banded shimp are nice to look at but i dont think they are very tank friendly, the fire IMO is much more appealing and tank friendly


I've got a cleaner, coral banded & fire shrimp in a 90 gallon. Coral banded doesn't usally bother them. The only time he bothers them is when I feed them, it's a war out there!!! :) It's fun to watch and there is no killing...
Well he did cut off my Arrow crab's leg yesterday at feeding time...


whats a leg between friends right? LOL seriously that would be enough for me to rid the tank of the CBS. i know in the wild this happens all the time but why subject creatures to abuse especially in captivity?


Active Member
I have a peppermint a cleaner and a fire shrimp all living harmoniously in my 75G they all claim their own territories and leave eachother alone, I wouldnt reccomend the CBS.