shrimp tenicles


I added a fire shrimp two days ago, this morning upon inspection of my tank (35 gal)my two cleaner fish(I've had for sometime) look like they had a trim job. Their tenicles are cut off. Is this normal after they get so long?


Yes, I meant cleaner shrimp. I did add 2 red legged hermit crabs a few days back (supposed to be good for keeping sand clean of algae) maybe they snipped their tenicles they're pretty good sized.

bang guy

It's possible that different species of Cleaner Shrimp will snip Antenna as they fight for territory. Fire Shrimp are one species of Cleaner Shrimp and I'm just guessing that you have another species in the tank as well. They will get along fine one they claim their territory.
Don't worry, the antenna will grow back after 1 or 2 molts as long as they are well fed and have good water.


Active Member
And don't kill each other in the meantime. It is a c r a p shoot to add two different lysmata shrimp to a tank as small as a 35 gallon.