Shrimpgoby - Pink & Blue question Bang?


Sorry, It got deleted some how. I thought it was you that had this kind of goby, I have one and would like to try and pair him with a pistol shrimp.
I think you posted a pic some time ago of a goby and shrimp. I was wondering if you got them together or if you got them separatley and they got together on their own?
My question was do gobys prefer a certain kind of shrimp over another? Kind of like clowns and anemones.
Thanks for any help. :thinking:



i have a yellow watchman and ive been looking ALLL over at all my LFS for pistol shrimp... and have had no success.. their relationship together is a symbiosis.. the goby helps the shirmp and the shrimp helps the goby... the shrimp is blind so it is in his benefit to rely on the goby to help him get food and protection.. what not... so in turn then shrimp digs and builds a burrow for the goby.. but anyway i dont think the match matters


Active Member
I have had my pink and blue goby and Carribean pistol together for about 5 months and they haven't paired up.

bang guy

I don't know the answer, sorry. I've tried the Hi-Fin ShrimpGoby (which has about 10 other common names) and a Watchman Goby with Tiger Pistol Shrimp. They paired up quickly both times.


It's an Achilles Tang. I wish I had a big enough tank to keep one. I heard they are very hard to keep alive.