Sick Damsels


Yes, that is very common. The parasites are trying desperately to feed off of the fish. But this batch will NOT be able to reproduce. You are on the right track.


Originally Posted by meowzer
Do fish with ich generally get worse before they get better? They sure looked BAD this morning, and for the first time ever were not interested in food....
Stick your hand in the tank, they'll get their appetite back! LOL
I can't believe these guys are still giving you a headache, even in a new tank. Good luck!


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Stick your hand in the tank, they'll get their appetite back! LOL
I can't believe these guys are still giving you a headache, even in a new tank. Good luck!
LOL...You know I was thinking aboutthis last much as I HATE these guys, I have them in a 10G, doing hypo, and getting SW ready to do water changes as needed cause the tank is so small
AM I CRAZY OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OOPS...I forgot that snails can't live in hypo...I had an astrea snail, and some of those mini ceriths that hitchhiked in there....looks like they are dead
also I threw in a bunch of asterinas...soem went to the trash...some went to the 10G...LOL....Looks like they are dead too


Active Member
Best check your ammonia to make sure there is not a problem with the snails having died.
Or just euthanize the damsels.


Originally Posted by spanko
Best check your ammonia to make sure there is not a problem with the snails having died.
Or just euthanize the damsels.
LOL...I told my husband I should open the back door and throw the damsels in the yard....
The ammonia is ok...I just did a 2g waterchange with 1.009 water. I think I remember reading that inverts can not live in such a low sg....


Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I told my husband I should open the back door and throw the damsels in the yard....
The ammonia is ok...I just did a 2g waterchange with 1.009 water. I think I remember reading that inverts can not live in such a low sg....
You are very correct! Inverts cannot live in a low SG. Ich is an invert.


WELL...this morning one of the damsels is laying on its side with labored breathing. I tested the water, and the ammonia is about .5 I added a little amquel+ as a temporary aid.
NOW here is what I don't get.....Yesterday I changed 3G's, and vacuumed the bottom of the tank....went to bed last night and the fish and water was fine

Is it possible that they are just too large for this 10G???? And I may never be able to control the ammonia


OMG I HATE THESE FISH!!!! The one that was laboring just I took it out, thought to myself...hmmm....will this flush....then said HECK YEAH

AHHHHHH...the freakin monster plugged up the toilet....So after a little plunging....we are back in business....
Well let's see how it goes with the other one


Originally Posted by meowzer
OMG I HATE THESE FISH!!!! The one that was laboring just I took it out, thought to myself...hmmm....will this flush....then said HECK YEAH

AHHHHHH...the freakin monster plugged up the toilet....So after a little plunging....we are back in business....
Well let's see how it goes with the other one
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh. Sorry about the little guys death, but I'm sure there is some small part of you that's hoping the other one joins him.
We should rename this thread Reason 1000 why people should not buy damsels.


WELL...we are spot free...or should I say the damsel that's left is....SO, I will continue to monitor the water quality, and 4 weeks from now.....well....IDK...LOL....I guess I will have to make it a point to go into TX and take the fish
As much as I dislike this fish...I don't think it's fair for a fish this size to remain in a 10G longer than it has to.....and I just can not justify killing it (LOL...oh yeah) NO really....I can't purposely kill the fish....

shrimpy brains

Yeah, gotta do what's right, even if they are annoying little #(%)#@! Your doing great! Sorry about the one, but he even got you after he died(by way of the toilet) lol


Well the one remaining damsel ate today....and I was actually happy....IDK why.....It actually looks really good today....I know we have 3 weeks and 6 days to go......BUT I believe this one will make it


Exactly how big are these fish? Or I should I say "this" fish now? I saw that it clogged your toilet? Jeeze, I didn't realize that they were THAT big. I'm sorry.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Exactly how big are these fish? Or I should I say "this" fish now? I saw that it clogged your toilet? Jeeze, I didn't realize that they were THAT big. I'm sorry.
LOL...That's ok...the one left is close to 4"....the one that died was almost 5" (I never should have flushed it lol) Oh well it's done now
The one left ate good this morning too :) Do you think a fish this size will be okay in the 10G, now that it is alone?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You are very correct! Inverts cannot live in a low SG. Ich is an invert.
Guess what.....You know those itty bitty Florida ceriths.....One is alive in the hypo tank....
These guys are tough I guess
And my sg is still at 1.009
March 22 we were spot I am about 3 1/2 weeks into treatment....I have to say this one damsel looks Great!! Once the hypo is complete, and I raise the sg....I am taking it to my notsolfs in Texas...LOL....altho they don;t know it :)
all this work to give it away...oh well...

shrimpy brains

Well,(I think) I am glad he pulled thru for ya! Would love to see the look on the owner of the notsolfs face when he discovers an extra fish in his tank. lol Some hithhiker!!


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Well,(I think) I am glad he pulled thru for ya! Would love to see the look on the owner of the notsolfs face when he discovers an extra fish in his tank. lol Some hithhiker!!
LOL.....I will definitely let you know.....heehee


I'm cursed....or maybe the damsel is....LOL
It appears that one of it's white spots is enlarged....kinda raised...
no ammonia, ph is 8.4 IDK