Sick Hammer


the fleshy part on it became brownish/white and started comming off the coral. i wasnt sure if its just tissue damage or brown jelly desease so i cut the piece in 2 and put crazy glue at each cut end. i also put crazy glue at the point of the desease in hopes it wont spread all over the smaller part. what can i do to insure a good health for my hammer?


well it is a 20 L tank , but no its not. i take great care not to place any stinging [sweeper tantacled] corals near anything except their own kind. besides i boiught him lke this. my LFS sold it as is. but back in the store it looked good. inmy tank after a day passed it started doing this. anyhow after what i did to it, it seems better. the lower part of it opens up nicely, but the rest of it doesnt come out all the way, just enough to sway a tiny little bit in the water. the smaller piece the one that had the problem seems to be doing great. completely opened up and is looking good [except looks like he is going to be bleaching, cuz too much strees i guess] but thatcan be fixed.

bang guy

In my experience it's very difficult to bring a LPS back from injury, especially if it's bacterial.
Increased waterflow and using a turkey baster constantly to remove any diseased flesh will help a lot. Don't every give up on it though, as long as you keep removing the diseased flesh it has a chance, even if ALL of the flesh is gone. I have seen Hammers, Torch, and Frogspawn come back from just being a skeleton. As long as some small piece is still alive it has a chance.
Don't give it too much light at this point.


this is gonna sound really bad, but i recently purchased a brain coral [maybe like a week ago], and it was fine 1st, but later on the same day tissue began to unstick from it. if hammer is still doiing fine, i think this thing is really diying. 1/2 of the flesh is gone already and he doesnt except any food. not getting any better, actualy much worse every day. any suggestions. the hammer is kinda coming back to life, everything else in the tank is amazing.


Wow! Your hammer looks great now. Good job bringing it around. It's amazing how some coral comes right back given the proper care.


Active Member
Personal experience.
I've damaged a branching hammer before by simply spraying water near it with food mixed in. They can be sensitive to that. I've also damaged the coral by dosing water in the tank. I take great care to not pour to quickly into the tank so the water does not hit any coral but even a small amount brought about damage to mine similar to yours....