Let's see here.....
So far I have learned....
PH balance is extremelly important when keeping horses. I have never had any fish that has been so sensitive to the change in PH.
So 8.2 or 8.3
Always Keep Formalin, Meth Blue, and Furanase on hand for meds. Keep these handy in a seahorse med box.
Always have a QT setup ready to go. I have never ever seen a fishes' health turn tables so rapidly as a seahorses' does.
Currently I am trying to understand what are the main red flags that would cause a horse to fall ill. With 25 years of fish keeping under my belt I thought I could spot a sick fish from a mile away.
Sure tank water qualites aren't going to be perfect....but I've had worse levels in my reef tank when I had 2 gonipora....
I think part of the problem is that seahorses are the only fish that swim horizontal....therefore I have very little experience noticing signs of sickness. Vertically swimming fish have very obvious signs of sickness, especially when you have kept them for over 10 years. Inability to right itself, sluggish swimming....and many other signs that become very familar over the years.
So I have now logged 2 inccidents where tail itching and scratching, followed by odd swimming patterns has lead to illness.
Being able to tell the difference between the seahorses' olympic swimming moves and jerky sick swimming patterns will take some time.
So..for now, Valiant's QT release will most likely be on the 22nd, or when I get the new intake shield refugium built. :happyfish