!!!Sick Horse!!! :(


Active Member
Why are your nitrates at 20? I believe seahorses can't handle high nitrates. Have you tested for phosphates? Alkalinity? I would read up on flukes, the treatment would be a FW dip as mentioned. They look like tiny potato chips as they exit the fish .


Active Member
Originally Posted by flpriest
I'm praying for ya Rynka and for Valiant. Hope he comes through ok!! Good luck!
Thanks :joy: Valiant is doing much better


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Why are your nitrates at 20? I believe seahorses can't handle high nitrates. Have you tested for phosphates? Alkalinity? I would read up on flukes, the treatment would be a FW dip as mentioned. They look like tiny potato chips as they exit the fish .
Nitrate 20
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
ALK 300
PH 7.8
90 gallon as of yesterday
Salinity 1.026
From the symptons that Valiant has, Darthtang diagnosed parasites. I agree, I found a little white worm attached to him once I got him into QT.
I am currently in the process of sterilizing everything in the tank.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I am not that concerned with the nitrates, I have had mine spike with my horses as high as forty with no detrimental effects. I corrected the problem, however my horse did not immediatly come down with a parasite infection. No something changed drastically in the last couple days and stressed the horse out, I am led to think the removal of the sheilds from the powerheads did this.


I have come to the conclusion that seahorses, although the most interesting and beautiful fish, are too difficult to keep for me. Possibly because I had young ones from an unknown source (lfs), but I am too busy to mother them the way they needed. Its sad, they are so fascinating. Good luck with valient, I'm pullin for him.


Active Member

He's up and swimming around today. He keeps swimming around and around the 10 gallon....seems like he's wondering.."I know there's more water here somewhere???(the display tank is 90 gallons) :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Normally a parasite like this is brought on due to something stressing the horse out, a low PH would do this or to much water flow even.
HatesSushi, seahorses are different than fish when it comes to what can cause a disease. Imagine the most difficult/sensitive fish and you have the same things with seahorses.
For Kuda's this is the basic parameters you need to keep.
pH - 8.0 to 8.3---I prefer 8.2
Specific gravity - 1.021 to 1.024
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - <20 ppm
JMO, with the exception of species specific diseases like pouch emphysema, EGBD and IGBD, I think seahorses and horizontally oriented fish react similarly in like circumstances. :thinking: The resulting issues just manifest themselves differently in seahorses.
I also have to disagree with the specific gravity listed above. 1.021 is too low and in my thinking would make it difficult to maintain the desired PH. 1.021 borders on brackish. I'm not comfortable with an SG reading of less than 1.023.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by PonieGirl
JMO, with the exception of species specific diseases like pouch emphysema, EGBD and IGBD, I think seahorses and horizontally oriented fish react similarly in like circumstances. :thinking: The resulting issues just manifest themselves differently in seahorses.
I also have to disagree with the specific gravity listed above. 1.021 is too low and in my thinking would make it difficult to maintain the desired PH. 1.021 borders on brackish. I'm not comfortable with an SG reading of less than 1.023.

It is far from Brackish.


Active Member
I finally caught the fire goby and added him to the QT tank. Valiant seemed very happy to have company. Flash on the other hand was not very keen on the whole situation. He hid under the heater for almost an hour.
Flash seems no worse the ware....but I though it best to treat him too. Valiant is pretty much back to his old self....although from time to time he seems to be breathing rather hard.... :notsure: I'm keeping an eye on this...both are busy stuffing dinner in.
Since I have stopped the Meth Blue...I am wondering if I should give both of them a treatment of Formalin. I have at least 2 weeks before I will be putting them back into the 90... :thinking:


Active Member
I wish I could help you out Ryk, but to be honest, I'm watching this thread as a learning tool. Hope you understand.
Thank you SO MUCH for all the great links you sent me!! I can't believe the wealth of information there!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I wish I could help you out Ryk, but to be honest, I'm watching this thread as a learning tool. Hope you understand.
Thank you SO MUCH for all the great links you sent me!! I can't believe the wealth of information there!!
Lisa :happyfish
No problem
I glad I can be of help. Without experiences, we can not gain knowledge. :happyfish


Active Member
Let's see here.....
So far I have learned....
PH balance is extremelly important when keeping horses. I have never had any fish that has been so sensitive to the change in PH.
So 8.2 or 8.3
Always Keep Formalin, Meth Blue, and Furanase on hand for meds. Keep these handy in a seahorse med box.
Always have a QT setup ready to go. I have never ever seen a fishes' health turn tables so rapidly as a seahorses' does.
Currently I am trying to understand what are the main red flags that would cause a horse to fall ill. With 25 years of fish keeping under my belt I thought I could spot a sick fish from a mile away.
Sure tank water qualites aren't going to be perfect....but I've had worse levels in my reef tank when I had 2 gonipora....
I think part of the problem is that seahorses are the only fish that swim horizontal....therefore I have very little experience noticing signs of sickness. Vertically swimming fish have very obvious signs of sickness, especially when you have kept them for over 10 years. Inability to right itself, sluggish swimming....and many other signs that become very familar over the years.
So I have now logged 2 inccidents where tail itching and scratching, followed by odd swimming patterns has lead to illness.
Being able to tell the difference between the seahorses' olympic swimming moves and jerky sick swimming patterns will take some time.
So..for now, Valiant's QT release will most likely be on the 22nd, or when I get the new intake shield refugium built. :happyfish


Active Member
How are your patients today? ...or is it rather how is YOUR patience today...hmmmm... :notsure:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
How are your patients today? ...or is it rather how is YOUR patience today...hmmmm... :notsure:
Lisa :happyfish
Both are doing great! Valiant, on the other hand,is not being patient....he is currently glued to the tank wall waiting for his dinner to thaw. As soon as he sees the food dish he reminds me of a kid in a candy store. Flash is doing fine, but not happy about the tank decor....no rocks to hide in...so he has made do by hiding under the heater(which is off)......
Valiant is doing fine.....but I do not like having him in the 15 gallon. The tank keeps getting too warm. I finally had to put a big cooler ice pack in the tank....I might have to put and different filter in......I have an eclispe hood on the tank right now.
My patience has doubled, by taking down my perc tank and Aria's 25 mollies(all but the 2 males)back to the LFS for store credit...I feel like I can breath again.

Now I just need a couple of days in which to finish the clean up of the 90. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Both are doing great! Valiant, on the other hand,is not being patient....he is currently glued to the tank wall waiting for his dinner to thaw. As soon as he sees the food dish he reminds me of a kid in a candy store. Flash is doing fine, but not happy about the tank decor....no rocks to hide in...so he has made do by hiding under the heater(which is off)......
Valiant is doing fine.....but I do not like having him in the 15 gallon. The tank keeps getting too warm. I finally had to put a big cooler ice pack in the tank....I might have to put and different filter in......I have an eclispe hood on the tank right now.
My patience has doubled, by taking down my perc tank and Aria's 25 mollies(all but the 2 males)back to the LFS for store credit...I feel like I can breath again.

Now I just need a couple of days in which to finish the clean up of the 90. :happyfish

Wow...good luck Ryk, I'm rooting for you!!
Lisa :happyfish