Silica Sand


Okay, here is my issue. I was offline because I moved(finally)and I was also very anxious on getting my tank set up. I have been trying to find a argonite sand or something that would resemble something that I seen in this forum that works good. Did not find any.....anywhere! and I already decided that I was not going to pay the money for all live sand. So I bought 100lbs of silica sand. I guess I have a challenge. Right now I have 100lbs in a 55gal and like 20 30lbs in my sump fuge. I am cycling with two cocktail shrimp. When that is done I am going to oreder all my rock and a cleanup crew from this site. Any tips or tricks that I will need to know using silica sand. I also bought some phosphate sponge by Kent, use it if I have problems? From reading posts around here "Sand seems to be one of the most highly contravorsy issues! So I am accepting the challenge that I got myself into. But could use some tips on the subject.;)
Also sould I wait till the rock cycles before adding crew or do they survive the cycle. I would like to get them in there asap. My intentions are too oreder same day as rock.
Thanks all

bang guy

I would not add inverts the same time as the rock but I'm considered to be conservative.
Do you have a good source of SW bacteria in your tank? A handful of live sand or a rock or something?


Active Member
I you order a large amount of LR and have it shipped you will have die off and your tank will cycle again, I would just order the rock now, cycle with it and then get inverts when you are totally finished cycling. BTW I set up a tank with white silica sand and I never had algae problems like some people will tell you.


well cool, I do want to order some sive sand to help seed it. Anybody recomend a reasonable amount. Lr will seed it too wont it?


Active Member
Yes LR will seed it but I would go ahead and get 20-25lbs of LS, I have heard good things about the livesand from this site. Also you can sometimes get a scoop of the gunk in the LR tanks at your LFS, this is a good way to boost the sand.