simplified maroon clown pairing how to's


thats awesome!
snail.... i found an online fish store that gives you the option to buy a small maroon clown a medium or a large. what sizes do you think i should order.... two smalls or one small and a medium??? I have wanted to pair up two gold maroon clowns since i started this hobby!!!... sorry for the Hi-Jack


Active Member
to start? or to grow back fully?
well to start - almost immediately after the female stopped attacking him :D
to grow back fully? it's still growing. it's been 6 days and he's making great stripes.


Active Member

Originally posted by donahue
thats awesome!
snail.... i found an online fish store that gives you the option to buy a small maroon clown a medium or a large. what sizes do you think i should order.... two smalls or one small and a medium??? I have wanted to pair up two gold maroon clowns since i started this hobby!!!... sorry for the Hi-Jack

what tina says. in the notes, tell them to find the smallest possible 'small' one they can find.


would one of the floating breeder box work or do you need one that sinks and could you have them mate in a 30 gallon?


Active Member
i would have the box secured in one place so the small fish knows where to go when it's threatened.
and i think for larger speices of clowns, 30g is probably minimum for them to breed.


well i was thinking of breading a Black & White Perc with a False Perc would that work and were did you get that box at and hopefully they will turn out like yours( that is what you cross bred isnt it?)


Active Member
the box i got at *****. it's actually a hermit crab box.
in theory a percula and an ocellaris should breed. in theory a lot of things should work, but not necessarily in pratice :thinking:
p.s. i don't think a safe house is necessary unless you are pairing maroons.


donahue what web sight is that i am thinking of doint that for my fish because my lfs have like 3 inches and biggerfor clowns


I received my two gsm's today. the small one is under 1-1/2 inch and the bigger one is 3". When I received the shipment and begun acclimating them they were immediately accepting to eachother. The bigger one has chased or nipped at the smaller 4 or 5 times. It seems as though the little guy has been following her around but im am not firmiliar with clowns behavior. What are your thoughts on this pair? Is the little guy a male and the big one a female?? Also, the little guy likes to swim at the top of the tank with his dorsal fin skimming the top. is all of this normal gsm clown behavior??? thanks. d2


Active Member
did you buy an established pair? yes the small one is likely male.
dorsal fin breaking the water is a normal percula behavior. i haven't seen too many, if any, maroons that do that.

jimmy g

SnailHeave....Your a guiness, I took apart my tank trying to catch my small marron and I finnaly got him....Followed your procedure and it worked!!!! Thank you so much, My marrons are Finally "bonded"...The smaller one was just hanging in there by a thread before I caught him but now hes back to good heath thanks to you.....
Thanks again,


I'm thinking of pairing up two maroons. I have one that is established already with an anenome about 3" long. I want to add another one that is smaller about an inch long. How about this idea, I catch the big one and seclude him from the tank for a couple of days while the little one establishes himself. Than add the big one. Tell me what you guys think.


Active Member
in most cases, you want the female in first. if you let the male establish itself it will be more likely to fight back when the female is aggressive towards it, which is not good.