Single white dot?



I got a weird problem with my lunare wrasse, or maybe it's nothing, I don't know. I've never had this with any other fish. The lunare has had a single white dot on top of its head for 2 weeks now. It's a little bigger than what ich looks like, it's like a grain of sand. Except if it was sand, it would have blown away in 2 weeks time. And I don't think it's ich because this is the only dot on him and it's been in the same exact spot for 2 weeks now, it hasn't moved. The lunare is fine otherwise, eating, looks healthy, very active, normal breathing.
Does anyone know what this might be? Some other parasite? It's not a scratch or a bite from another fish, I don't think.


It's definitely sticking out but it's so tiny and perfectly round. If it was ich, it would have fallen off in two weeks time, no? And there'd be more than one single dot on its head.
Here's a picture..


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't see a pic earlier.
Ask Beth, she would definately know. I'll give her the link to your thread :D


Ok, I took a closer look with a magnifying glass. It doesn't seem to be sticking out like I thought. So it could be a dent. One thing I forgot to mention is that my powder blue absolutely hates the lunare. There is high speed chasing going on all the time between these two.


is there anyway you can remove one of them chasing eachother all the time will be very stressfull on the fish, but it does look like the skin has melted away just a tiny bit on the head there, and it would leave it looking white underneath


I tried everything to get the powder blue to quit acting like this. I put a mirror on the outside of the tank which keeps the powder blue occupied and as long as the mirror is there, it doesn't bother the lunare at all. But as soon as I remove it, it's back to the same agression.
The lunare is way too fast to catch and get out of the tank. I can put the powder blue in a QT, but I'd rather not do that because these type of tangs are easily stressed.


Staff member
I had a clownfish that had this, and it would come out when the fish was stressed. I never figured it out, but thought it might just be a touch of lymphocyctis.


Thanks, Beth. That's probably what it is. He's definitely stressed because of the powder blue tang. If this agression doesn't stop soon, I'll have to make a decision. One of them has to be traded into the LFS. I'm thinking the powder blue since he's always been kinda mean. He also chases the lawnmower blenny around. Plus stresses out all the other fish when he zips around the tank with his chases.


No they're both about the same size, around 4-5". But the powder blue has been in the tank a lot longer so he's established his territory.


Seems to be gone but now the powder blue has what looks like a little bite mark on his side, about the size of the lunare's mouth. You know... I'm not into fish getting hurt, but if any fish deserves to be bit is my powder blue. He's the meanest fish I ever had in this tank. Only fish meaner is my undulate trigger but he's in a different tank. So I say to him, you got what you deserved.


Staff member
That is a nice looking wrasse. What size is your tank? They may just settle down if the tank is big enough, with enough rock-work, etc.


It's 150gal, with lots of LR. I hope they can settle down with time. I've only had the wrasse for a few weeks.