Site Changes, What Do You Think


Active Member
Thank you computor geeks. Its so much nicer not haveing to scroll side to side. Theres hope after all.


Active Member
I waited a few day to give it a chance before I responded. I'm a software developer and I'm used to hearing people complain about an upgrade because they have not gave it time. After seeing some of the initial quirks worked out, I like it. It has more modern features.
I'm happy with it. :happy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
The PM and signature features were unfortunately abused by people, and it is just easier all in all to not have them.

ophiura, Where did you come up with that? I've been here since 1999. I don't recall the PM feature ever working. Its hard to abuse something that's not there. This feature is used on just about ever BB, by most members. The reason its not used here is the same reason links are not allowed, plain and simple.


Active Member
Originally Posted by knots
So far I like the look and changes. The only thing I don't like is having to scroll side to side. That drives me crazy even though I can do it from my mouse. I have a 19 inch monitor and guess I'm gonna have to go buy a 21". :)

i have a 17inch and the computer downstairs is 15in. and i dont have to scroll. you may just have to change a setting or something


I got on this site on my wife's computer and I didn't have to scroll. I can't figure out what is different in the 2 computers. I checked everything from resolution to font sizes to anything else I could think of and can find nothing. Other ideas would be appreciated. Otherwise my wife is gonna get upset when I have to use her computer. :D


I do like the new look. The font is small, but that can be changed.
Also, how does one go about contacting an administrator? I have sent several emails and gotten no reply. A contact link would be good.
Love some of the new smilies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Thank you computor geeks. Its so much nicer not haveing to scroll side to side. Theres hope after all.
I have very bad vision, even with my glasses on. As a result, my screen resolution is only 800x600 (I moved up kicking and screaming when they stopped building web pages and applications compatable with 640x480.) I can see the posts ok in a screenful, but I have to stay scrolled over to the right so that the SWF link bar on the left is not visible. I find this acceptable, I know the rest of the world thinks higher resolution is better. I do appriciate that picture posting seems to be fixed, and that we can now post more than one picture per post. I hope the older pictures can be restored soon, especially in places like the disease forum.


Active Member
Hey, is it now storing your previous searches instead of doing them again when you request them again? I regularly pull up a search of threads I have previously posted to, and none of the posts I made today are showing up on that search.
Upon experimentation, it works ok if I uncheck "Use Exact Name", but if "Use Exact Name" is checked, I only get old posts, even if I use the exact same string as is in my user profile.


New Member
Well, I love the new look, and new features...the only thing I hate is that I've been trying to post for 2 days, but am not allowed for some reason. It says "thank you for logging in Schneidts", but says you may not post replies and things like that. I emailed Bang and the admin., and hopefully soon I can get that resolved. I figured I'd create this new username until then so I can participate. Otherwise, I think the change is definitely good.


Active Member
So far I think the site is fine. it just takes some time getting used to. the TIME needs to be corrected. I'm all messed up. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by golfish
The reason its not used here is the same reason links are not allowed, plain and simple.
The "abused" part was basically how it was explained to me, and I agree with the use of the word all in all. Its just the way it is :) Thanks.


I like the new set up. The quick post is nice and I like the similar thread posts at the bottom of some of the posts.


Active Member
I am testing useing the font size option in a reply. This is size 4... If this is good then hopefully ppl. will change the size when they post. You do not have this option to change size in the quick reply....