six line wrasse is scaring me...


Active Member
how often do u see ur six line wrasses? i haven't seen mine 4 like over a week now. i have searched all over the floor to see if it jumped out. i guess it still has to be in there. its been like 3 weeks i bought him and i havent seen him come out to eat food. where could he be?


I might begin to worry. From my experience they are uusally all over the tank soon after acclimation.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
What kind of clean up crew do you have? Don’t give up on him yet. Monitor your water for any ammonia readings


Active Member
6 line would normally come out during feeding. if its been missing for 3 weeks, most likely its gone. how big is the tank?


Active Member
a 30gal

i have 2 cleaner shrimp, a sally light foot, a large bristle star fish, and like 10 hermits.
do u think he is gone?

i did notice it behind the rocks for 2 weeks after i just bought him. even when it was alive it did not come out of the going to go look again.


Active Member
OMG!! i found it! i swear i found it! its floating and swimming upside down. i grabbed it with my hand and moved it to my copper tank. i think its floating bladder burst. what should i do?
ill take a pic right now.


Active Member
probably cant save it. thats what I do if I know they arent going to recover. If it cant swim right it probably doesn't have much chance for survival.