Six second rant



i hate what our current government is doing to our country by raising gas prices making it almost unaffordable and turning around PAYING farmers NOT to grow crops so they can pay a forgein country to grow it and ship it back to us when just growing it here would reduce some cost and create jobs and keep MONEY in OUR economy where the worth of a dollar is decreasing


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
keep em short!!

Originally Posted by jrthomas40

i hate what our current government is doing to our country by raising gas prices making it almost unaffordable and turning around PAYING farmers NOT to grow crops so they can pay a forgein country to grow it and ship it back to us when just growing it here would reduce some cost and create jobs and keep MONEY in OUR economy where the worth of a dollar is decreasing

that was not short...


Active Member
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
i hate when stupid people sign up for advanced classes and waste my day asking the same thing over and over again
And there is always one in every class.

Originally Posted by shogun323
I hate when you try to tell someone about a really funny exchange on a message board and they look at you like a idiot with no life.
There is just no cool way to say to your friend, "today in this thread on"
Just the mention of I get mocked for the entire night with friends.
Originally Posted by alexmir
I hate when insecure, unpopular kids get picked on.......But i love when the popular, mean kids cant make it in college and wish they would have been nicer to the unpopular kids( their bosses!!!
It is always the one asking the absolutely foolish questions.
Originally Posted by crimzy

I hate when lions fans believe that they had a great draft... generally happens every year BEFORE the season starts.
I just hate the lions, they couldn't even come up with a good uni and had to copy the cowboys.
Originally Posted by GRabbitt

I hate it when I walk out of my apartment in the morning when I'm still half asleep and get weird stares from people passing by JUST because I forgot to put pants on before walking outside.
I like to think it is because they are amazed at my well, spectacular physic.


Active Member
You know what really grinds my gears?
When white people try and make mexican food, then get mad at you when you try and explain just because a tortilla has cheeze on it doesn't mean it is good mexican food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You know what really grinds my gears?
When white people try and make mexican food, then get mad at you when you try and explain just because a tortilla has cheeze on it doesn't mean it is good mexican food.

That's awesome and so true!!! I love AUTHENTIC mexican food.
A close friend of mine is Mexican and takes me to the good spots locally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You know what really grinds my gears?
When white people try and make mexican food, then get mad at you when you try and explain just because a tortilla has cheeze on it doesn't mean it is good mexican food.

Ruben that cracks me up!!! And oh so true. Kind of like people who think Tobasco is hot sauce. It is just flavored vinegar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
That's awesome and so true!!! I love AUTHENTIC mexican food.
A close friend of mine is Mexican and takes me to the good spots locally.
And what really ticked me off in highschool I went to a predominately white school (I was the only brown person in my class) so when we went to friends houses we'd always have mexican food. And it was a test, a right of passage to see if a "real mexican" actually likes the food. As if I'm a mexican gordon ramsey. The crap I choked down.
Actually there was one, she actually had decent food. It wasn't awesome but it was from scratch nothing from a can. But she married a into the culture and well we will assimulate you.


Active Member
I hate that since I am an IT guy everyone thinks I should have no life and fix their computers in my spare time.
At one point my VM for my cell said, "This is Wade, if you are callin for computer help, leave your name number credit card number and experation date. Otherwise leave a message."
This week on the bench for "friends" is HD backup for a laptop that got a glass of vodka/cran spilled on it. Laptop for family friends saturated w/ spyware, and retired corparate PC needing setup for home use.


Active Member
Sparked from a previous post I made on another thread:
I hate it when you spend all day at home waiting for that huge order of frags to come in just so you can be absolutely certain you will be there to accept the delivery, only to go to the bathroom and miss the knock on the door in your four minutes of absence.
...Stupid noisy sink.
ADDITIONALLY, I hate it when you have to hop in your car and attempt to predict the delivery person's route to track him/her down to retrieve your precious package since all his or her other coworkers know exactly where that person will be at that exact instant, while realizing every person you've asked has given you different locations (with inevitably, none of them being correct... Ever).
...Stupid noisy sink.


I hate it when a dude pulls up to the urinal next to me when there are 5 other empty ones he could choose from.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oniel21
I hate it when a dude pulls up to the urinal next to me when there are 5 other empty ones he could choose from.
Oh man that is perfect!!!!!! How true. Don't people know there is a man code about urinal selection!!!


Active Member

Originally Posted by oniel21
I hate it when a dude pulls up to the urinal next to me when there are 5 other empty ones he could choose from.
Unfortunately, the socially universal rule amongst men at the urinal will continually be violated by some. When this happens, I suggest making loud, uncomfortable noises. It may be too late for you, but you will be saving others from the same discomfort in times to come. Herein lies the effort of a true human


Active Member

Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Unfortunately, the socially universal rule amongst men at the urinal will continually be violated by some. When this happens, I suggest making loud, uncomfortable noises. It may be too late for you, but you will be saving others from the same discomfort in times to come. Herein lies the effort of a true human
I dont know about all that. I just pee on their shoes!!!