Six second rant


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
Or the people that park in the no parking zone "just for a quick second" so they dont have to park in a regular spot and walk to the ATM or wherever they are going....God forbid these people get an ounce of exercise.
Oh so of these days I'm going to go Postal on one of those.


Active Member
I hate people that talk on the cell phone on the treadmill/machine next to me at the gym. Hang up and work out!


Active Member
I hate the few people I have seen that smoke a cigarette while riding their bikes as I drive by... I find myself involuntarily veering off-course in their direction.
I also hate the jogger I saw one day who- right in front of me- slowed to a walk, reached up to her headband and pulled out and lit a cigarette as she continued to walk. I've never seen such hipocrasy in all my life. I wish bad things upon that woman.


Active Member
I hate that todays children dont appreciate anything they have. Dont know the value of a dollar,and want everything handed to them...(IE,I want to play guitar but dont want to take the time to practice)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
I hate that todays children dont appreciate anything they have. Dont know the value of a dollar,and want everything handed to them...(IE,I want to play guitar but dont want to take the time to practice)
Chill mi amigo. You are too full of hate.

Let love enter your heart and feel the warmth of.......
Oh, that reminds me...I hate moonies.


Active Member
I HATE HOW PEOPLE CANNOT WALK IN A FREAKIN' STRAIGHT LINE!!!! (high school parking lot for instance, I always say to myself, 'next year., next year.' {I get my car})
OR at stores.. they walk RIGHT in front of you! I want to run people over so bad!

and people that think they are better than everyone else just plain pee's me off.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I'm 44 and still run to the truck like a lemming.

With a cigarette in my mouth.

Blocks away far out of distance for any other sound to be recognized you can hear it coming . Ding ding ding ding da ding ging ding ding da ding ding ding ding . You hit the window searching the horizons . But alas its stil blocks away . Like a dog waiting for the mailman you pace back and forth . Soon Soon it will be here with those delicious treats . You listen as the beautiful music drifts away and then comes back to you a then drifts away again as it snakes its way through the neighborhood. Minutes drag by like hours as the haunting melody teases you . Finally the truck turns your corner and creep's down so slowely . You waitin at the door because you don't want to run to the curb too soon and look pathetic . Ding da ding ging da ding ding ding ding , My god is he asleep at the wheel did he pull over for a nap ? What is taking this(insert expletive of your choice here) so long ? Is it that hard of a job ? You try to remain calm infront of the kids . But what the (insert explative of your choice here too ) ! Doesn't the driver know your waiting !?!?
Finally its time to run out to the truck . A crowd of small children is gathering as you exit the door of your home . Red fills your eyes Who do these little (once againg insert explatives here) think is going on you have been waiting you herd it first . One by one they ask the driver How much is a Bombpop? How much is a snowcone ? How much is a choco taco? You (you know what to add here ) its the same for you as it was for the last 5 brats . Get out of the way . Finally you get up there and that ( you know the drill) is out of the first 2-3 things you want . What is the deal !?!? So you settle for some crap that you don't even want, Hand the man a 5 and get back a few sparkely coins . You walk back to the house calm and cool on the out side but dancing a victory dance on the inside . Like a mouse you hold up inside and devour you treats licking every last drop nibbling every last crumb.
Does that pretty much sound like what goes down ?


Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Blocks away far out of distance for any other sound to be recognized you can hear it coming . Ding ding ding ding da ding ging ding ding da ding ding ding ding . You hit the window searching the horizons . But alas its stil blocks away . Like a dog waiting for the mailman you pace back and forth . Soon Soon it will be here with those delicious treats . You listen as the beautiful music drifts away and then comes back to you a then drifts away again as it snakes its way through the neighborhood. Minutes drag by like hours as the haunting melody teases you . Finally the truck turns your corner and creep's down so slowely . You waitin at the door because you don't want to run to the curb too soon and look pathetic . Ding da ding ging da ding ding ding ding , My god is he asleep at the wheel did he pull over for a nap ? What is taking this(insert expletive of your choice here) so long ? Is it that hard of a job ? You try to remain calm infront of the kids . But what the (insert explative of your choice here too ) ! Doesn't the driver know your waiting !?!?
Finally its time to run out to the truck . A crowd of small children is gathering as you exit the door of your home . Red fills your eyes Who do these little (once againg insert explatives here) think is going on you have been waiting you herd it first . One by one they ask the driver How much is a Bombpop? How much is a snowcone ? How much is a choco taco? You (you know what to add here ) its the same for you as it was for the last 5 brats . Get out of the way . Finally you get up there and that ( you know the drill) is out of the first 2-3 things you want . What is the deal !?!? So you settle for some crap that you don't even want, Hand the man a 5 and get back a few sparkely coins . You walk back to the house calm and cool on the out side but dancing a victory dance on the inside . Like a mouse you hold up inside and devour you treats licking every last drop nibbling every last crumb.
Does that pretty much sound like what goes down ?
lol someone put way to much thought into that lol but it was funny


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Blocks away far out of distance for any other sound to be recognized you can hear it coming . Ding ding ding ding da ding ging ding ding da ding ding ding ding . You hit the window searching the horizons . But alas its stil blocks away . Like a dog waiting for the mailman you pace back and forth . Soon Soon it will be here with those delicious treats . You listen as the beautiful music drifts away and then comes back to you a then drifts away again as it snakes its way through the neighborhood. Minutes drag by like hours as the haunting melody teases you . Finally the truck turns your corner and creep's down so slowely . You waitin at the door because you don't want to run to the curb too soon and look pathetic . Ding da ding ging da ding ding ding ding , My god is he asleep at the wheel did he pull over for a nap ? What is taking this(insert expletive of your choice here) so long ? Is it that hard of a job ? You try to remain calm infront of the kids . But what the (insert explative of your choice here too ) ! Doesn't the driver know your waiting !?!?
Finally its time to run out to the truck . A crowd of small children is gathering as you exit the door of your home . Red fills your eyes Who do these little (once againg insert explatives here) think is going on you have been waiting you herd it first . One by one they ask the driver How much is a Bombpop? How much is a snowcone ? How much is a choco taco? You (you know what to add here ) its the same for you as it was for the last 5 brats . Get out of the way . Finally you get up there and that ( you know the drill) is out of the first 2-3 things you want . What is the deal !?!? So you settle for some crap that you don't even want, Hand the man a 5 and get back a few sparkely coins . You walk back to the house calm and cool on the out side but dancing a victory dance on the inside . Like a mouse you hold up inside and devour you treats licking every last drop nibbling every last crumb.
Does that pretty much sound like what goes down ?
idk crash, is
that what goes down?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Blocks away far out of distance for any other sound to be recognized you can hear it coming . Ding ding ding ding da ding ging ding ding da ding ding ding ding . You hit the window searching the horizons . But alas its stil blocks away . Like a dog waiting for the mailman you pace back and forth . Soon Soon it will be here with those delicious treats . You listen as the beautiful music drifts away and then comes back to you a then drifts away again as it snakes its way through the neighborhood. Minutes drag by like hours as the haunting melody teases you . Finally the truck turns your corner and creep's down so slowely . You waitin at the door because you don't want to run to the curb too soon and look pathetic . Ding da ding ging da ding ding ding ding , My god is he asleep at the wheel did he pull over for a nap ? What is taking this(insert expletive of your choice here) so long ? Is it that hard of a job ? You try to remain calm infront of the kids . But what the (insert explative of your choice here too ) ! Doesn't the driver know your waiting !?!?
Finally its time to run out to the truck . A crowd of small children is gathering as you exit the door of your home . Red fills your eyes Who do these little (once againg insert explatives here) think is going on you have been waiting you herd it first . One by one they ask the driver How much is a Bombpop? How much is a snowcone ? How much is a choco taco? You (you know what to add here ) its the same for you as it was for the last 5 brats . Get out of the way . Finally you get up there and that ( you know the drill) is out of the first 2-3 things you want . What is the deal !?!? So you settle for some crap that you don't even want, Hand the man a 5 and get back a few sparkely coins . You walk back to the house calm and cool on the out side but dancing a victory dance on the inside . Like a mouse you hold up inside and devour you treats licking every last drop nibbling every last crumb.
Does that pretty much sound like what goes down ?
Hilarious....but true.
Kinda hard to look cool runnin' to the truck.


Active Member
A+ Crash!

I love thinkg of you in line towering over all the kids in line, bobbing up and down. When a kid asks how much a Choco Taco is you going "Geesh, it is $1.35 just like the last time a kid asked". Muttering under your breath how the Rocket pops are from China and full of lead, just so the kids in front of you don't buy them up.


Active Member
i hate it when people hate or are so against something but they do it. Like "i hate that people just believe what their parents do...that Bush is a bad president" "so you think hes good?" "ya" "what do your parents think?" "they think hes good too"
or stuff like i hate how some people could sexually abuse a child thats just wrong!.... but then they do it...
I also hate when you go in to buy a part from a LFS you bought your tank from and they say "you know i really hate how you come in and take my expert advise and never buy anything (all while im holding something in my hand planning on buying it) i have been in the hobby for 20+ years and all you want is my knowledge its very rude and i do not appreciate it..."