skate's 10g nano tank!!!!


Ok, i tried to do this thread a while back as the tank was a birthday present for my lil bro, but a couple months after he got it, marine seemed to be abit to much for him to take care of, so my mum bought him another tank and i got this one:D
its a 10g marine wave:D
hang on filter,
15w twin t5 clip on light.
15w heater.
koralia nano powerhead:D
10Lbs LR
5Lbs LS
stocklist atm, (because the tank has been set up a couple months so im not just going super fast lols, it has cycled:D
1x True perc
1x manderin (its in the 10g whilst i find it a new home, it used to be in my 25g but then i got a angler and put all my fish into the 10g so the angler can have its space:D)
as for corals i have:
hammer coral 1 head, is splitting so will be 2 soon:D
kenya tree.
thats all for now!
want to get a couple zoo's, shrooms, and some candy corals.
i mainly want an anemone tank so only a few corals wil go in:D
in about 4 months i'll add a RBTA

so i doubt i'll get any coral untill thens
overal i want my stocklist to be:
2x true percs
2x bangaii cardinals
1x goby/pistol shrimp
then standard CUC,
is that stocklist ok?
i wanna breed the cardinals eventually and the clowns are just must haves i nano's! :D



that mandarin is gonna starve to death in that tank within a month. you need a HUGE supply of pods to keep her alive. unless u are buying a bottle of copepods a week which are like $20, shes gonna starve


did you not read the top?
its only in there untill i can find it a new home, and beside it takes frozen cyclops.
im ditching the 2 bangaii cardinals, that'll be toooo much in a 10g lol.
so 2 true percs and a pistol shrimp goby pair:D


Originally Posted by Pdmxb2000
that mandarin is gonna starve to death in that tank within a month. you need a HUGE supply of pods to keep her alive. unless u are buying a bottle of copepods a week which are like $20, shes gonna starve

normally true, but i know for fact that his is actually eating frozen food


and i think my clown is wild caught.
it stays in one corner and seems very skittish for a clown,
its also very small with FULL maturity colours.
i LOVE the look of it:D
wat does people think on a CUC?
im thinking:
2x nassarius snails
3x turbo snails.
5x cerith snails.
5x hermit crabs of some sort
1x emrald crab
maybe a cleaner shrimp? or would the pistol kill it in a 10g?


it is:D
lovely fish, it tends to stay on the outside of the LR instead of in all the caves:D
it'll be ashame to watch it go but i cant keep it in this tank and it'll get munched on in with my angler:(
i just hope who ever ends up with it treats it good:D


ok, i've just tried to frag my kenya tree:D
i think it was a success?
i cut off a branch, and used a rubber band to attach it to some LR.
how long should it be before i take off the rubber band?
couple months?
i hope it pulls off cos then i'll start fraggin LOADS! lol


Originally Posted by skate020
ok, i've just tried to frag my kenya tree:D
i think it was a success?
i cut off a branch, and used a rubber band to attach it to some LR.
how long should it be before i take off the rubber band?
couple months?
i hope it pulls off cos then i'll start fraggin LOADS! lol

That stuff is the easiest coral to frag. My husband hates it and randomly will just shake it when he's pissed at something in the tank. When he does this, little branches detached, float around and attach themselves to new places. I think it's hysterical, as he's killing it, he's creating more.


Active Member
skate, i think 1 turbo should be enough
instead add more nassarius and ceriths. 4 hermits i would say and let the snails do the rest.


Originally Posted by skate020
and i think my clown is wild caught.
it stays in one corner and seems very skittish for a clown,
its also very small with FULL maturity colours.
i LOVE the look of it:D
wat does people think on a CUC?
im thinking:
2x nassarius snails I'd do 5
3x turbo snails. do one, add different types instead, I'll list below.
5x cerith snails.
5x hermit crabs of some sort Go with mexican reef hermits. Don't waste the money on the more expensive variety, they all do the same thing and the reef hermits from what I've experienced are far less likely to kill your snails for the shells. My blue knuckles always kill my scarletts and mexican reef hermits and snails.
1x emrald crab
maybe a cleaner shrimp? or would the pistol kill it in a 10g? Well, you know I've been researching the heck out of pistol shrimp. It seems like some people have success with the cleaners, some don't. I don't know if I'd risk it in a 10G. Stick with crabs and snails. From what I've read, people have better luck with the CBS but, I'm afraid to put one in my tank with such peaceful fish.
Instead of Turbos, try trochus and astreas. My trochus are always laying eggs in my tank, then you'll have some more for your 120G!


Active Member
there you go, i agree totaly with btld! for the turbo, look for the orange ones, theyre awesome. also try some nano-conch snails theyre awesome algae eaters


ok deffinately:D
i'll have a look today.
ahh that'll be good to get enough snails for my 120g without actually buying them lols.
i have in there atm.
1 nassarius snail
and i think thats is lol.
my emrald crab some how manged to get back into my 25g.
but i'll put him back in, and i'll put in my zebra hermit crab.


i took a FTS today, then done some new scapeing cos i though i had too much LR in there, also check out the pic of my hammer coral, its started to split and one half is alot healthier then the other, anyone wanna give me any idea's on how to get the other half healthy?



btw, you see the arc in the right corner nearest to the front, the powerhead is in there, i didnt remove it lol, theres like an arc over the top of it, i thought it looked cooler:D


oh and one more thinggg, with my filter, its just got atm, sponge, and carbon,
if i take all that out and put in cheato, and LR rubble, would that be better?


I'd leave the stock filtration be. You don't have to go overboard with what you want to do with this tank. In my nano, I run the pump and a bag of ChemiPure Elite Carbon with a piece of filter pad that I cut to fit and change out every 2 weeks, that's it. No protein skimmer, no refuge, no rubble. It's worked well for me in the past so why change now?
Nice rock scape. Is that new rock or out of the other tank?