Skimmer Brand Ratings


Active Member
Couldn't agree more about the Visi-Jet...what a huge waste of moolah!! I'm waiting for a skimmer that I bought online from that famous auction site, I hope, and I think, it's exactly what I'm looking for. Hopefully I'll get it this week. PLEASE don't tell me it's a piece of crap!!! Odysea pro-pak????? I'm off this thread now til I get up the nerve....
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by Speg
Hey Steven! Thanks for the great information.
After reading your article im considering purchasing the AquaC Remora hang-on for my 46 bowfront. In the description in the magazine I have it says the AquaC Remora comes with a Rio 800 pump... though when I glance over at the prices they do not mention the rio at all.. instead they have 'AquaC Remora with Maxijet 1200'. I was reading some other consumer remarks and they said how horrible the rio was... so maybe AquaC has already swapped the rio for maxijet's? Do you know anything about this?
Also do you think the AquaC would be good for my 46 bowfront reef tank? =c)
I've abused my fish/corals long enough.. its just sad that these blasted skimmers cost SO much.. this 'place' im looking at sells this unit for $163.95! *faints*
ps: do you recommend the add-on (extra cost of course) overflow box for this unit?
Aqua-C has for a whlie sold the Remora with the standard Rio pump and for a slight additional charge would upgrade you to the Maxi-Jet. I don't know if they have completely discontinued the Rio or not. Either way, I would get the Maxi-Jet even if it costs a bit more. The overflow box/bubble trap is not worth the extra money, though. That should be fine for your 46 gallon.


Originally Posted by fishieness
StevanPro.. just a question.. but how have you been able to have experience with all these skimmers? lol ... A lot of tanks?!
I have been keeping marine fishes for 12 years and been working in the industry for the past 10. I have installed and maintained more skimmers than I can count.


Originally Posted by JayC
Thanks so much for this information. I'm thinking of getting a excalibur for my 29 that I'm trying to turn into a reef aquarium. Does anyone know of any online stores that sell the excalibur skimmers? Any help would be appriceated.
Try Champion


Originally Posted by acrylic51
What do you mean when you say "ASM didn't meet your 3 model limits"???
If I didn't use at least 3 skimmers from a particular brand/model I didn't feel comfortable writing about them. For instance, I have used 1 ASM and it worked very well, but I can't say for sure from that limited experience if that is indicative of the entire line. By comparison, I tried to get 6 Seaclones to work and none of them did much of anything. That is enough experience in my opinion to say they are not worthwhile.


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Couldn't agree more about the Visi-Jet...what a huge waste of moolah!! I'm waiting for a skimmer that I bought online from that famous auction site, I hope, and I think, it's exactly what I'm looking for. Hopefully I'll get it this week. PLEASE don't tell me it's a piece of crap!!! Odysea pro-pak????? I'm off this thread now til I get up the nerve....
Lisa :happyfish
I have never heard of them.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply Steven. Sorry to be one of the ones asking you 1000000 questions ;)


Active Member
My skimmer's gonna be here in the next couple of days...makes me nervous that it's not a real recognizable brand, but I'm still holding out hope...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
My skimmer's gonna be here in the next couple of days...makes me nervous that it's not a real recognizable brand, but I'm still holding out hope...
Lisa :happyfish
I did a little searching around and finally found a picture of your skimmer. It looks to be a copy of CPR's Bak-Pak skimmers, which I have used and reviewed in the above article.


I never get tired of saying that muda is one of the most knwoledge ones in the whole forum...and thanks to taht thread i just bought from Marine depot my Aqua C Remora Pro with Mag 350 , for my 120 gallons thanks.
by the way i am gonna post some of my best pictures from my 1st month tomorrow.
thanks again muda. :joy: :happy:
:happy: :happyfish


great information on this thread!! I only wish i would have know about this site before i purchased everything and i wish my LFS knew what they were talking about.
i've got a crappy seaclone (new & improved, yeah right). I did do the DIY modifications and it works a little better, but mediocre at best........ i still need to adjust it every day it seams..... If it had even a bigger pump with more GPH than the maxi1200 that it has now, i think i would work ok.
i know better next time


Hi Steve, if your still there would you mind helping me a moment? I currently have a 55 gal. tank which i'm needing to buy a skimmer for. In 1 to 1 1/2yrs. i'm going to upgrade to a 180 gal. I was thinking of getting a skimmer now for my 55 that would actually be rated for my 180 when I get it. That way I have one expense for the 180 out of the way. I don't have the in sump style tank now so that is making my choices a little more difficult. I need something that I can use as a hang on for now and switch it later on. Do you have any recemondationson what I should get or should I just get something for the 55 now and cough up the dough later for the 180? Thanks!


Active Member
Speg, IMO the skimmer box is worth the money, and from the price, i think I bought it from the same site as you. If you do not have a sump/fuge it is very helpful in skimming the top of the water as well as you can put filtration media (sponge filter, carbon filter, etc..) in the outake compartment. I like it.


Originally Posted by CJEFFREY77
Hi Steve, if your still there would you mind helping me a moment? I currently have a 55 gal. tank which i'm needing to buy a skimmer for. In 1 to 1 1/2yrs. i'm going to upgrade to a 180 gal. I was thinking of getting a skimmer now for my 55 that would actually be rated for my 180 when I get it. That way I have one expense for the 180 out of the way. I don't have the in sump style tank now so that is making my choices a little more difficult. I need something that I can use as a hang on for now and switch it later on. Do you have any recemondationson what I should get or should I just get something for the 55 now and cough up the dough later for the 180? Thanks!
I would probably just get something for the 55 now and later get a larger skimmer for the new tank.


That's what i'm thinking for now, i've been researching for hours now, youv'e given the most helpful info of anything so far. I'm thinking the aqua c remora pro Thanks for the input.


Originally Posted by CJEFFREY77
That's what i'm thinking for now, i've been researching for hours now, youv'e given the most helpful info of anything so far. I'm thinking the aqua c remora pro Thanks for the input.
You are welcome. One point though, the standard Remora would work fine for a 55. No need for the extra bulk or money of the Pro size unit.