skipperdz's 55g tank picture diary


Active Member
well finally have the time to sit down and start my very own picture diary of my new 55g tank. its been up now almost 2 weeks for cycling. my canopy is on order and should be in so i can stain to match my stand shortly. gonna have 2 48 inch vhos. have 45 lbs of lr 40 lbs ls and 2 maxijet 1200 power heads some good flow goin on in there

yea yea i know patience is key, lol but my nitrate levels better get there A$$es down now! checked ammonia and thats all gone thanks to my bacteria additive.
more to come when i add my fellows in the 12g nano into it


What brand tank is that? what's its dimensons? What types of fish and corals are you goimg to put in there?

I am currently looking into buying a 55 or 64 gal tamk and I am trying to collect as much info as possible!!!!


Active Member
not sure of the brand...bought it in the classified section on this site. 48in x 12 in x 20 in.
fish wise so far i want a 2nd maroon, fireangel, yellow watchman, 6line wrasse, firefish. if i do corals im gonna do softies since ill have vhos for lighting


Active Member
Originally Posted by skipperdz
sorry did i type trates i meant trites are high
its k, how high r they tho? ive always used stress coat when my levels wer high, knocks down ammonia and trites


Active Member
it looked like 1.6mg/l but it could be as high as 3.3 the colors are to close to tell but its in between there


Active Member
just gota diamond goby, that i added to the tank...if he ever shows himself ill get a picture of him too


Looks like I need to get some more sand for my said you have 40lbs of LS in there, it doesn't look like you have any...tank looks good though!


Active Member
thanks i bought it with the tank from classified section...but i added trim and stained it as well as finishing the canopy that i bought unfinished.
well at the time there was only 20lbs there is now 40lbs and it looks much more full


Active Member
mostly 3 inches...some areas 2in. my maroon clown moves some around so i have little hills on top of that


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those are the most recent...goin for my potters angel this weekend after my water test. and does anyone know if blenny's can be in with goby's?


Active Member
what i have in the tank right now:
40-50 lbs live rock
40 lbs live sand
1 Maroon clown
1 Diamond goby...somewhere
2 Emerald crabs
4 Scarlet hermits
1 Blue hermit
3 peppermint shirmp
6 nasserous snails
2 turbo snails
lighting i have 4 48 inch VHOs