skipperdz's 55g tank picture diary


Yes you can start adding soft corals. They actually like as my LFS says dirty water.
I would start with leathers or mushrooms. Both great starter corals.


Active Member
got some new mushrooms that also had several zebra hermits and an oyster underneith the rock. also grabbed a porceline crab and 3 emeralds

this last one was nicely cured lr but lil roja thought it was missing something....SAND!!!! lots of it too apparently, because his LTA is not allowed to have sand anywhere within 3 inches of it...pain in the a$$ fish



Active Member
only when they first enter the tank...curiosity i guess. then he leaves them alone
my blue hermit kills all my snails lol


Active Member
Blue leg hermits can be quite nasty. The scarlett reef hermits are more docile.
Nice avatar, by the way..


Active Member
Nice start. What lfs do you go to. I have been to Salt water solutions but not since they moved.


Active Member
thanks for the avitar comment!
teresa i go to fish central in naples, by far the best ive been too. they're there not just to get a profit but to make sure you shopping wisely.


Active Member
on this site it says its lfs said it wont do well with clams. i have several different mushrooms and a colt coral that it doesnt bother.
it is a very curious fish though, whenever you add something to the tank it will check it out but it doesnt pick at anything


Active Member
well ive had the puffer since may or june i think. its just a lazy fish, only time he gets aggressive is when i put a piece of cooked shrimp for the fish as a dessert. otherwise he keeps to himself. doesnt even really pick at the rocks either, thats my angels/blenny's job


Active Member
hey nice 55 gallon! how long has it been up for? im working on my 55 gallon right now too! running into some lighting issues with corals but i have new bulbs on the way thank god!


Active Member
ive had my 55g set up since feb, and i added fish in march. i use vhos for my soft corals and lta. vhos work great for softies, but for sps ya def need halides.
im wanting to get a bigger tank eventually, a 90,110 or 125. my only complaint about the 55g is that its too narrow, i wish it was wider so i have room to put corals in the sand on the front


Active Member
well heres an update, i sold lil roja the maroon clown and her LTA back to the lfs. clown was making a huge mess in the tank "cleaning" around his house.
so i swapped out and paid 10 bucks for a blue throat trigger!

took him a while to get out from behind the rocks, eilbli angel was surprisingly showing whos the new head out household since clown is gone....but that didnt last long lol dexter the trigger is a tad bigger lol.
heres my shrooms in full bloom



Active Member
unfortunately dexter the blue jaw didnt make it. after a water change and a cuple days wait i got a new clown and green BTA.

and the false b/w occerl.