***Teaser Pics***
I've been running around with my hair on fire the last 4 months. Walking away from a 30 year position to take a huge challenge of helping build a new fabrication plant from scratch...for much more $$$ of course...
I'm having the time off my life, building a plant in my own image and finally getting paid for it. But...the tank has suffered a bit.
I had an alkalinity drop a couple of months ago. I didn't realize it until I noticed a few SPS crying. I got it back under control, but not until pronouncing the Pearlberry and the Slimer not worth continued effort. Funny that some acros suffered mightily, some didn't notice and others still seemed to enjoy 6.7 dKH.
Also of note that PE is now limited to night hours...
During this period, the LPS and softies threw a party.
I also had a bought with cyano. I never sweated it much, knowing it was only an indicator of poor husbandry. I put the fish on a diet (reduced feedings to 1-2x/week), turned off the lights for 2 days every other week. Cyano gone. I need to boost my CUC.
Anyway, here are a few selected pics, sorry about the dirty glass...I am too lazy right now to post the pics from our last visit for growth comparison (available on this thread's previous page), but...growth ranges from "wow" to "Holy Crap"...
I think these were maybe 5 polyps on our last visit
Armor of Gods
These would grow better higher in the tank, but I like them where they are, still they nearly doubled their number
Candy Apple Green
About a year and a half ago, a monster Mex Turbo broke off one of the 3 stalks of this. Instead of gluing it back, I traded it in on something I don't even remember now. I've regretted it ever since. 3 stalks would now be approaching magnificent.
Candy Cane
I cannot get a decent pic of these; the reflective centers throw off the camera auto settings. Someday I will take the time to do it manually and show you.
I don't know what they are called, but with actinics, they look like flashlights from across the room.
com/image/id/671611/width/350/height/263" target="_blank">
This is another one I cannot get a pic that conveys the absolute brute force this thing projects.
If this thing had legs, we would be extinct.
Mr Brain (still planning world domination), is using these Watermelon Morphs as a decoy (I may need to move them soon).
Very slow growers, but a favorite.
See what I mean? The hammer has grown from 2 to 5 heads, nearly 8" across. It puts out sweeper tentacles every so often, knowing
something is amiss, but can't quite figure it out.
Mr Brain says: "Dear Sir Hammer, I would never encroach on your sovereign territory. Please note that my plans are towards those lowly zoas nearby. You can trust that I would never consider sneaking up on you from that ledge you cannot see over. You can feel completely secure and keep your sweepers to yourself. You might even want to redirect your recon efforts toward the Candy Cane...<shhh> I've heard things "
What a bastard:
Tyree Tricolor Acro
Doesn't seem to care what happens around it... Alkalinity drop?...whatever...Lights off?...yeah, so?
This was the guy I stressed over to the point I asked The Professor and The Doctor what should do. Seems what I should do is nothing,
Note the explosion of the Sunshine Zoas and the resurrection of the orange Creamsicles from the last man standing.
Somehow I completely missed showing you this curiosity. Our last visit applauded finally getting a little bump of a new branch on the Rose Millie. Since the alkalinity drop, the Millie
only shows it's polyps at night, but look what it has done in terms of growth:
Much has been said about this monti in previous posts. Sorry I did not post a pic just after it was fragged; it has regrown about 30% since then.
It looks looks like it may grow "corkscrews" in a couple of places. The fragging exposed internal caverns between layers that "Queen Diva Dottie" (the Royal Gramma for newcomers to the thread) has made into her "Throne Room". She's funny. She LOVES her cleaning sessions, but cannot allow to be seen being touched by such lowlife as "Stinky" the Cleaner Shrimp. Dottie retires into her Throne Room and summons her personal cleaner.
Everybody knows whats going on; we all see fins writhing and antennae whipping...we just aren't supposed to say.
Kev, the Flame Angel, doesn't give two craps about appearances. He looks at Dottie, shakes his head, swims away...