small snails id


Hey everybody
i have hundreds of small snails on my glass and on the rock in the tank, i tried to search this bored but i couldn't find any pictures,
the picture i took isn't great but they are little round like snails
please help me id them,


Active Member
Do they have shells like the big ones? I have hundreds of babies in my tank that usually only come out when the lights go off, I assume when and if they get larger, they will stop hiding.


Active Member
The ones I have do and no they don't stop hiding as they get bigger(biggest I've seen is about 3/4" long), at least the ones I have don't.


and they did get bigger over the past couple of days, and they don't hide... they are just everywhere....


i've got about 10 of these in the tank..... could be. how many of them will survive and reach adult age?


Active Member
gastropods dot com/Taxon_pages/Species_Index_Ce.html
Put a http and thje www in front.
This website DOES NOT offer any items for sale. Its strictly a reference site with no reference to outside links either. If you can identify it this site can tell you what any critter with a shell is. I had thought I had a bunch of baby nassarius. But in over 3 years time none ever got over the size of a green evidentl;y they were not baby nassarius. IIRC they were a mud whelk or something like that. They normnally stay under the sand and erupt out of the sand at feeding time.