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Hey, where's the Miniature Tang Police when ya need'em
Here I am. Naw, just kidding. i take the tang thing serious but not as serious as some. No tang can go in a 30, 55, 75. 90 etc. for a long period of time. Some will argue, but, for the benefit of the fish, don't do it. Alot of people buy one cause they look cool and then they grow out of the tank, and most do not or cannot afford to upgrade. So the fish stresses out and gets sick. I am dying to have a sohal tang, but cannot in my 125.
Fish IMHO are like dogs. A Great Dane is cute as a puppy and most people are not smart enough to do the research and see that that breed of dog will get 4 feet tall. A 1 bedroom apartment with no lawn is no place for that dog. Same here with tangs. Most of them GET HUGE.
I came to this site originally to learn; I learn everyday. What works for some people will not work for you.
I started in this hobby in 1987 and still feel like I know nothing. Research and read and read these threads some more. Someone coming here to seek advice SHOULD listen to the advice given and make an informed decision based upon everyone elses experience and what that individual reads in good Marine Aquarists books.
A person should not post a question and then argue the fact. Read the info. given because alot of times we post from personal experiences because we did not listen ourselves.
Hope that helps. Stay in the hobby and stay on this forum. I have learned more in the year and almost 1/2 then I did all the other years combined. Beacuse I tend to listen and learn to respect reefers and other hobbiest like Beth, Ophuira, Murph, Spegg, AW2x3, on and on and on, There are to many to list that have helped me out greatly. I owe my success to them all.