snail ID?


i believe its a snail, went to take a picture to show you guys, and it was gone...It looks like half of a scallop shell, nothing a hermit could live in, no spiral or anything, just flat, like a common clam shell
it was a light pale green color and white(the shell) and came in on a piece of live rock
this is the second time i went to take a picture and it was gone. weird thing is, it shows up in the exact same spot on the LR, its about an inch long, no holes for it to hide in and it was hanging on super tight and i couldnt knock it off with a poker
would have used my hands but there was an anemone on the LR so didnt wanna bug it
its shell looked similar to this abalone snails shell, except i didnt see the spikes on the snail itself like in the picture, not sure if its even a snail in my tank

any ideas of things that look similar to this type of shell?
ill keep searching the tank to try and get a real picture


similar shell to a stomatella but deffinately not a chiton, it had a shell on it, wasnt multiple plates


ive never witnessed it move or any antenna or anything, just vanished, then shows up, then is gone again


so i got the snail out, finally found it and caught it, still not sure what it is but i took a few pix with my camera fone, so not the best quality. the first picture is from above and the second you can see the body of the snail crawling around

i put it in a jar and its moving pretty dang fast, as fast as my small blue leg hermits so im guessing a stomatella except that its actual body doesnt extend beyond the shell like the pictures ive seen, the body looks similar to a turbo(in its shape)but the shell is completely different, i know nothing of snails, only have had mexican turbos and whatever this guy is now


i dont think its a cowrie, there isnt a slit down the bottom of the shell, just a hole like a normal snail, it has a mouth and "face" and antenna so its a snail of some sort


here, finally figured my cam out! its much clearer and thats my full grown decorator spider so you can tell how big the snail is

id really like to know what this is since its doing an amazing job of eating all kinds of algae, i want an army of these guys!