Snail ID


Active Member
Just got back from the LFS and we got this snail.

They informed us that they are a Dove snail of some kind. Red dove or rose dove or something like that. Herbivore and tropical. Its still in the bag so if they are wrong, its still ok. I googled dove snails and they are algea eaters but none of the pics look like this one. The snout is rather long and the foot is huge.


butterscotch tonga nassarious I think, does it have a horn on the front?

bang guy

Looks like some type of Babelonia Snail to me. Good score IMO, better than a Dove Snail. Will eat carrion mostly.
Can you get a picture of the aperture?


The snail in question is being sold as a Nassarius sp., but that's not the correct ID (it escapes me ATM). However, we do have a couple of them, and their habits and diet is very much like Nassarius sp. FWIW, they are NOT herbivorous, but they do love carrion, so excess fish food is right up their alley.


Originally Posted by saxman http:///forum/thread/383508/snail-id#post_3354644
The snail in question is being sold as a Nassarius sp., but that's not the correct ID (it escapes me ATM). However, we do have a couple of them, and their habits and diet is very much like Nassarius sp. FWIW, they are NOT herbivorous, but they do love carrion, so excess fish food is right up their alley.
Sounds like I got buffalloed :p


Well-Known Member
You guys sure it's not a giraffe snail? I would keep a close eye on any tree coral you may have in your tank.


Well-Known Member
When I type in orange spotted snail I get a lot of hits with ones that look like yours. Some being sold as nassarius, babalonia, and some were saying whelk?


yep thats what i was sold and was told it was a butterscotch nassarius snail.
its hillarious when it climbs the glass, its shell hangs straight down like you would think becasue its heavy, but when it turns and comes back down its shell is still pointed stright down LOL


Ha! I just got three at my lfs, they were sold as a "Carribean" nassarius snail. They are a little larger than the standard nassarius. I needed a good sand sifter for a new dwarf tank so I thought I would give them a try.
They seem to be pretty active under the sand and their little periscopes zoom around.


Active Member
I was feeding my nems and I noticed four of these guys together so I put a piece of squid there for them - they are devoring it right now, I like these snails thay do a good job.


Active Member
So are we all going with the butterscotch nassarius snail ID here? It sure does act like one.
Missus wants to know if she got her money's worth for the $10 we paid.