Snails Dying??


Active Member
Snails in my FOWLR often died before I raised the specific gravity from 1.023 to 1.025. Now they are thriving. Also, if you have any blueleg hermits, they may actually be eating those snails.

lady becca

Our Salinity level is at 1.023. We do not have any hermits, because they eat snails.
We have, I think they are astrea snails and one letter olive snail.
We also have 2 skunk shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp.
Ok, the rest of our livestock list (please don't yell at me for overstocking :) )
23 Corals various types
3 Oscellaris Clowns
2 Yellow Gobies
1 Chaulk Bass
1 Flame Hawk
1 Orange Diamond Goby
2 Sandsifting stars
2 Black cucumbers
I think that is all.
All other water parameters are optimal.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrate = 0
Nitrite = 0
PH = 8.2
What else should I test for?


I agree with Dacia. Try slowly raising your s.g. to 1.025
Also, there needs to be enough algae growing in the tank for them to eat. How many snails do you have in there?

lady becca

I believe that all of the snails are astrea's. I do have one lettered olive snail, but he eats meaty stuff, like brine.


Active Member
I may be wrong, but I thought hawks went after inverts. With that said, if you have astrea they cant flip themselves over so it may be as simple as that. I agree though to raise the SG slowly not only for the snails, but your corals and fish.